Well by what I mean is a full program, like a real produced emu. With free updates and stuff. Not for thing like GB/C and smaller/easier projects. I mean GBA or SNES. Now I mean really fast, just like sticking the exact copy of Visual boy advance or Zsnes onto the Gp32.
That first post was obviously an act. How could you be drunk and post that neatly? Must of had one or two beers and thought being buzzed was so cool and wanted to post some crap. Seriously that was like a little kid typing trying to act cool :rolleyes:
I was searchin' throuhg lik-sang and I found it and then I had to have it. I mean mp3's, games and video all in one handheld that lookks like a gameboy. I thought it was pricey and lik-sang is, so i got mine from play-asia.com. It has so many better deals I cant believe it.
When will multiplayer be inplemented? My friend is getting a gp32 and if multiplayer is put into snes that would be the best. ALtho a gp link cost like 50 bucks CAD each.
*LOG LOG its wonderful its hard its LOG LOG*
1. Yes you can go back to your original firmware (dont know what SMC writer has to do with any of it)
2. Yes
3. Mr. Spiv has pacrom, original firmware and wind-ups
4. dont think so but Wind-ups is just as good.
no worries i have found a good site. if you want it ask me. Except one problem my gp32 doesn't respond to my pc after I have installed the drivers. It works right after the drivers are installed but when I shut down it doesn't work after that.
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