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  1. S

    paying for emulators

    Well by what I mean is a full program, like a real produced emu. With free updates and stuff. Not for thing like GB/C and smaller/easier projects. I mean GBA or SNES. Now I mean really fast, just like sticking the exact copy of Visual boy advance or Zsnes onto the Gp32.
  2. S

    paying for emulators

    I was wondering, it might motivate programmers, and to pay a small fee of like 3 or 4 dollars.
  3. S

    Where r u GPcinema???

    right now it is 10 o'clock in korea's capital (south) so its till early. got this info from worldclock.
  4. S

    How much did you pay for customs?

    haha well I paid 18$ and I live in Canada, I got mine from
  5. S

    One day to go!!!

    the site already says its july 24th, but there isn't a new moviepark!!! Well it is like 2 in the morning there but we all want it now.
  6. S

    GP Cinema from entware

    at they have screens and info on this so head on over there.
  7. S

    GP32 Divx v.0.3 pre alpha

    hey download the new thing from k2yaa at
  8. S

    this might sound fucked

    That first post was obviously an act. How could you be drunk and post that neatly? Must of had one or two beers and thought being buzzed was so cool and wanted to post some crap. Seriously that was like a little kid typing trying to act cool :rolleyes:
  9. S

    How did you here about the GP32?

    I was searchin' throuhg lik-sang and I found it and then I had to have it. I mean mp3's, games and video all in one handheld that lookks like a gameboy. I thought it was pricey and lik-sang is, so i got mine from It has so many better deals I cant believe it.
  10. S

    English and Korean GP32´s

    all boxes have Korean text on them. Its whats inside the box that counts. It wouldn't matter there is barely any text in the OS anyways.
  11. S

    GP32 prototype for sale

    Im pretty sure it was changed to SMC because they are made in Korea? Mine says that it is.
  12. S

    Nintendo wins piracy claim against Lik-Sang

    all of their linkers were gone like a year and a half ago when the 3 game companies first sued.
  13. S

    SNES9Xgp v0.95b Released

    When will multiplayer be inplemented? My friend is getting a gp32 and if multiplayer is put into snes that would be the best. ALtho a gp link cost like 50 bucks CAD each. *LOG LOG its wonderful its hard its LOG LOG*
  14. S

    Gp32warez UPDATE!!!

    no its not, people debated on wether it was real and they noticed they screens were rendered or something and could have been faked.
  15. S

    ASR clone 2k!

    what a retarded game. It really makes me want to smack you. A face with blacked out eyes. <_<
  16. S

    Gp32warez UPDATE!!!

    NICE you had me for awhile but then I couldn't find anything. Well atleast I didn't fall for that N64 emu.
  17. S

    Flashing the Firmware?

    1. Yes you can go back to your original firmware (dont know what SMC writer has to do with any of it) 2. Yes 3. Mr. Spiv has pacrom, original firmware and wind-ups 4. dont think so but Wind-ups is just as good.
  18. S

    need one thing

    no worries i have found a good site. if you want it ask me. Except one problem my gp32 doesn't respond to my pc after I have installed the drivers. It works right after the drivers are installed but when I shut down it doesn't work after that.
  19. S

    need one thing

    Im having trouble finding the tos roms. I have checked the green little desktop site but it only has info on it. Any links or whatnot to it?
  20. S

    firmware Qs

    Yeah you have to rename ur original if u dumped it and put the multifirmware in the gp:// directory while renamed fw.bin.