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  1. J

    Caanoo Tv Out Quality

    i did notice kaitsen patsier or something (one of the games from the package deals) run noticable slower when running under tv-out. I'm using the gp2x tv-out cable and that quality was rather crap but i'm guessing it's because it's not officially supported (can only use the video out lead an...
  2. J

    Getting Started Coding

    yup lazy foo is good to begin with here are some others :
  3. J

    Getting Started Coding

    i'll compare my build line with yours when i get home, i'm at work for the moment so no access to my pc... cause i can't really see what might be wrong (unless you modified some of those header files where the error occurs in)
  4. J

    Getting Started Coding

    not certain what you might have messed up here, but it's better to copy the build log (right click -> copy to clipboard and paste that), screenshots are not really good for that
  5. J

    Getting Started Coding

    Also you do not need to add the paths, not even the *.so files, you just need to add the libs as i wrote em. You see at linking time it will find the libraries with the linker search path, the -L<path> (switches). for example c:\sdk\lib (fictive path, i made this up) you add to the linker search...
  6. J

    Getting Started Coding

    i took me a while, but i'm able to compile tutorial2d for the caanoo and the binary works, it seems to be some sort of space shooter example... it takes quite a few things to get it working though but mostly just adding libraries in the right order :) make new empty project add the main.cpp...
  7. J

    Getting Started Coding

    that's normal you need the sdl runtimes (which on windows are a dll file and in this case sdl.dll, you should look if they are included in gph stuff, if so either add it to the path system variable or copy them were the exe file is located. (you'll probably get some other missing dll errors if...
  8. J

    Getting Started Coding

    not sure about those, can't really tell but your trying to compile the 2d tutorial thing right ? i'll see if i can get it compiled, the only diffrence with my setup (in windows) is that i did not install the gph stuff in program files since it contains spaces but i'm not certain if that can...
  9. J

    Getting Started Coding

    i never used dge, it's something gph wiped up, it probably contains SDL as well as some other things (for like the touchscreen, vibration , gsensor etc) from what i can see at the screenshot(s) you have a few errors : here's how to fix em : - if you get errors refering to headers which can...
  10. J

    Getting Started Coding

    that's correct, you only have to do it once (for adding the compiler) however you WILL need to add the correct libraries and correct compiler (but not the settings since you made those once) for each project you start in the project options, or it won't link. The errors your getting is because...
  11. J

    Getting Started Coding

    you don't need to follow the pdf, instructions... you just make at least one new compiler entry in code::blocks for the caanoo (arm compiler), and you add all the library paths and header paths etc. afterwards you will still need to add the libraries in the project options (like sdl dge etc)...
  12. J

    Caanoo / WIZ Android On Caanoo?

    thats what i mean yes :)
  13. J

    GP2X Unnamed Gp2X Race Game Might Get It's Name On The Caanoo ...

    Won't be soon, i haven't had much time to do anything caanoo related, the last few weeks (erh months).. I'm going to be a father, we just moved to a new place, the holidays, playing on xbox360 / PS3 tend to be in the way at the moment... It'll come someday just don't expect it soon, unless i...
  14. J

    Caanoo / WIZ Android On Caanoo?

    yup and dingux (linux) runs from sd, although a modified SPL and i think bootloader as well, is flashed to the nand to allow dual booting (holding select) for the rest it all runs from the sd card. Dingoo can even run windows CE, the ingenics people have the basic layout for the windows CE stuff...
  15. J

    Caanoo / WIZ Android On Caanoo?

    technically android can run on any(/most) pmp's, but it's not as easy to port it like say a game or application. You'd have to port a bootmanager, you'll have to write drivers if they are not availible and make everything work. I don't see this happening on any of our devices, but all of them...
  16. J

    Essential Questions: Emulators, Screen, Wi-Fi ?!

    no need to work on them anymore then i guess :P
  17. J

    Caanoo / WIZ Java And Gnu Classpath For Caanoo

    since you can compile the vm, you can also add debug code, just printf the classpath or other paths and perhaps the file it's looking for before giving that error
  18. J

    Hacked Up (Internal) Emflashplayer.gpu For Use With Picklelauncher

    well i tried the file but it had no effect on the flashplayer so basically we have no idea on how to change the keybindings, we don't have source either, the emfflashplayer was something that was on the nand of the caanoo but it could not work right because you had no way to give it an swf file...
  19. J

    Sms_Sdl For Caanoo (By Joyrider) With Picklelauncher (By Pickle)

    no i did not yet, i just moved to a new place, and only recently got internet back, so did not have much time yet to do so... still have to find my caanoo in one of my boxes, but i'm 4 days at home now so i should be able to package it and release it in the next few days
  20. J

    Sdl & C++ Not Really Where's The Basic At?

    How about you try to explain exactly which parts are not working, SDL Colorkeying works with out a problem, the Caanoo SDK does as well (both windows and linux) given you followed my instructions availible for the windows part, which i assume your probably using... Further on for each project...