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  1. J

    $100 Bounty For Hybrid Html Viewer!

    something like this already seem to exist it's based on sdl and uses xml files. It's called fuzzeninge, just came by it while googling a bit edit: it's in C Sharp so can't really port it i guess :(
  2. J

    Wonderswan Emulator

    not the dingoo version, but the version where the dingoo was based on, oswan sdl. I used the normal filter render the others did not work since it needed a bigger resolution but it ran way to slow with that filter and there was no sound implemented (well there was but it used x86 assembler so i...
  3. J

    Wonderswan Emulator

    To create a new emulator from scratch and asking that question forget it, not many people are capable of doing this and it requires a lot of programming knowledge as well as knowledge of the emulated system :) Porting one is an option, if you can port games you can port emulators as well, the...
  4. J

    Dynamate Caanoo Version Release

    Dynamate is a game originally made by Björn Kalzen and Jonas Norberg. It is a puzzle game where you have to try to remove colored pieces from the playfield by letting them collide with another specific colored piece. There are pieces that are stuck to the playfield, moveable pieces and special...
  5. J

    Flavor Reviews The Caanoo

    just noticed this topic and the request for dynamate, have ported it myselve to the caanoo yesterday evening everything seems to work fine now, i'll probably do a release this evening :)
  6. J

    It Seems Fungp Has A Git With Kernel, Bootloader Sources Etc

    didn't see this mentioned somewhere else and accidently came by it while doing a google search :
  7. J

    Gp Device Plugin

    how come you did not mention that anywhere in the sources :) looking at the code i don't see a reason why a screen init is needed, and since it created a engine.gpe it's easy to make the mistake and think it will work out of the box as a normall app. Ah well the sensor part is all i really...
  8. J

    Gp Device Plugin

    for those having problems, with me, on my caanoo everything seems to work except the touchscreen handling part. If you remove -DTOUCH it compiles and runs on the caanoo without touchscreen of course. If leave -DOTUCH in the make file i get a segmentation fault. No clue why but i don't really...
  9. J

    Ezcap 116 And Caanoo Video Capture

    well i don't think the output is 320x240 when you use tv out, it will probably be something else like this (this is a guess) : 320x240 = LCD 720x480 = TV-OUT NTSC 720x576 = TV-OUT PAL About programs, if your drivers is any good you should be able to use it in any application by selecting the...
  10. J

    Dangers Associated With Overlclocking?

    crashing or damage the facts remains that lifespan of the internal electrical components will decrease. all depends on the quality of the electrical components though and you probably won't use your caanoo / whatever console by the time this happens.
  11. J

    Caanoo / WIZ A Few Ideas I Have For Caanoo

    is that technically possible ? I think i know how to do that to some degree but with a lot of "if's". I know you can check button presses but you'd also have to be able to push "new" button presses programmatically to the some buffer can probably be done with /dev/input/event0 but i'm not...
  12. J

    Proftpd (Ftp Daemon / Server)

    --removed post and placed it in edited 1st post
  13. J

    Proftpd (Ftp Daemon / Server)

    ProFTPD ------- What Is It ? ------------ Proftpd is an ftpd deamon, it shows files of /mnt/sd as the root directory. It didn't take much work to get this working only a simple compile and a linux machine. There is one small thing you'll need to know though and that is that you can not change...
  14. J

    Ftp File Transfer

    I will see i can make a release of the proftpd daemon sometime soon probably by the end of the week, i totally forgot about it but it does work yet i never tested it fully but it works and it's a lot easier than samba which has problems. It was the reason i did the proftpd port well it was...
  15. J

    Caanoo / WIZ Caanoo Usb Networking Host (Cdc_Ether)

    If i'm not mistaken it can also be used for usb networking on windows in combination with the Demo driver that we used on the caanoo there was already a topic about it somewhere before if i'm not mistaken. since the RNDIS driver(s) from windows never seemded to work (at least not at the time i i...
  16. J

    Screenshots Of Caanoo Apps

    You can't really tell by just looking at the screen. But you can tell by taking a screenshot using the deamon in 16 bit mode, if the game is using 24 bit you will notice the screenshot is distorted so you could try taking a screenshot go back to menu and look in photo\screenshots16\ and see if...
  17. J

    Fbrab Daemon New Version

    It seems the archive still isn't updated, i will reupload it tonight and upload it to my website also so you guys at least have one mirror for it until the archive finally updates the entry EDIT: New version is availible from my website here ...
  18. J

    Fbrab Daemon New Version

    No problem, just to be sure, it seems the archive is still not updated with the new version. The new version contains 2 directories and 2 ini files in the zip file the old one only contained one. So we (you) still have to wait till someone "approves" my updated zip file. Either that or something...
  19. J

    Fbrab Daemon New Version

    already found a (new) bug in this (new) version. do not delete the screenshot folders when the daemon is running i did not check if the directory exists while writing the png files only at the start up of the daemon which means the daemon will crash if you take a screenshot and the screenshots...
  20. J

    Screenshots Of Caanoo Apps

    I released it with binaries for 24 bit games and 16 bit games check the news section, and the archive once the updated file gets accepted