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  1. synkro

    Fond für SNES Optimierung

    Nun Squidge hat von sich aus einen SNES-Emu geschrieben. Wie wäre es ihn erst mal dafür zu belohnen und loben? Aber nein, man muss gleich mehr wollen und ein "Kopfgeld" aussetzten. Das ist meiner Meinung nach das falsche Signal. Ausserdem spendet man nicht um eine Gegenleistung zu bekommen...
  2. synkro

    Fond für SNES Optimierung

    Ich gebe vimacs recht, das beste für SNES auf dem GP2X wird sein Squidge 5-10€ Euro mit ein paar netten Worten bzgl. des SNES-Emus zu spenden. Und wenn das schon 4 oder 5 auf einmal machen, dann hinterlässt das einen sehr guten Eindruck...
  3. synkro

    Wie arbeitet ihr an eurem Spiel/Prog/..

    das klingt j mal geil! über USB oder serial?
  4. synkro

    Wie arbeitet ihr an eurem Spiel/Prog/..

    Was für Heulsusen ihr seid... Wrapper schreiben oder SDL benutzen, was gibt es daran auszusetzen?
  5. synkro

    GP2X Gp2x Demo Development

    In part one and two I had missing prototypes, empty c files... can't remember the rest. Name the stuff the way you like it, everybody can freely modify it to theirs tastes. Me wonders that you already consider the "framework" "complete": no malloc, no sound, no sine to just name a few...
  6. synkro

    GP2X Gp2x Demo Development

    Dzz's code is not clean doesn't compile warning free at all. For the complete packages/articles/PDF's I try to fix that and I changed the code like this: 1) functions: start with verb follwed by noun(s) with cap first letter: doThing(); getLength(); fuckMe(); 2) vars: are all lower case and...
  7. synkro

    Gp2x Demo Competition: 750$ prize money

    I absolutely agree! While the demo scene is filled with technology whores the barrier on the gp2x schould be damn low. In the end it's about the content, the art and the feel what makes a good demo. If you want to use SDL then go ahead and don't be ashamed of...
  8. synkro

    GP2X Gp2x Demo Development

    A little bit more detail would help. What did you use, what code? I doubt that the function calls we make here interfere with the USB stuff. Are you using the USB-Serial thingy?
  9. synkro

    Wie arbeitet ihr an eurem Spiel/Prog/..

    Mich kotzt das "Swapping" mit der SD-Karte auch an... 1) SD Karte im GP2X lassen, auf USB-Modus schalten, .gpe per script vom PC kopieren, ausprobieren 2) SDL benutzen. Dann musst bis auf die Endphase der Entwicklung den GP2x nicht mal anfassen...
  10. synkro

    GP2X Dual Core Programming Via Openmp Possible?

    no, because: 1) GCC has still no OpenMP support (is planned for GCC 4.2 later this year and only for C) 2) We can not run threads on the 940 (pthreads) iterativ or non-iterative parallelism with OpenMP is in the current state not possible. And I guess it will never be because it would need a...
  11. synkro

    Infos über Grafikdemos und co

    An sich ist das Lernen von Programmerung sicherlciht pflicht (C/C++). Wenn man schon Grund wissen hat, dann man sich die GP2X Demo Development Sachen ansehen...,0,0,0,38,1451,0,0,0,38,1459
  12. synkro

    GP2X Gp2x Demo Development Part 2

    I can't upload it to the archives right now (it seems to hate me). So, grab from here: Finally in the archive now! GP2X Demo Development Part 2 GP2X Demo Development Part 2 Comments, Critics, Bugfixes, Errata here!
  13. synkro

    GP2X Gp2x Demo Development Part 1

    GP2X Demo Development Part 1 Comments, Critics, Bugfixes, Errata here!
  14. synkro

    Gp2x Demo Competition: 750$ prize money

    well, I dunno what you want to do with your article series but I am willing to help. (well UCL is abit much for me atm) like putting old, overworked and bug fixed articles into PDFs.. I also have fine fixed point code here (well as we don't have -lm I have a already build a sine LUT)
  15. synkro

    Gp2x Demo Competition: 750$ prize money

    Just win and you got a free gp2x, guru status and pussy galore all at once...
  16. synkro

    Gp2x Demo Competition: 750$ prize money

    I still don't get rlyeh's gpe compressor to work under Linux but the UCL readme states that the decompressor has a size around 200bytes. I remember that Spiv's on the gp32 packed pretty well...
  17. synkro

    Gp2x Demo Competition: 750$ prize money

    Or just full of printfs a full text demo only for people with a serial cable...
  18. synkro

    GP2X Gp2x Demo Development

    I have no fuckin' clue what a system call is at all :) The only fun coding I had in the past days were testing the USB-Seriel-Thingy and the code in this thread... I'll have a look at the weekend... I promise...
  19. synkro

    GP2X Gp2x Demo Development

    @Squidge: As we aim for 64K demo here, we will need malloc to get mem for precalculates LUTs (I am thinking of a sine table) and even iterative generation of gfx as 64K is very little... Damn, I have to admit those prizes are temtping, I hope DZZ's articles will feed me more. For everybody...