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  • Users: kouky
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  1. kouky

    Pcsx Rearmed R17

    I experience same issue with Tactics Ogre, it freezes since the last few versions.
  2. kouky

    New Android Based Portable Consoles

    I don't think so, but it should be out in the next few weeks. Archos is an European company (French), maybe we can expect a build quality a bit higher than the usuals chinese multinedia gadgets...
  3. kouky

    New Android Based Portable Consoles

    You might be interested in the Archos Gamepad:
  4. kouky

    [Caanoo/wiz] Pcsx Rearmed R15

    Unfortunately this new version have some issues with the game 'tactics Ogre': sound is not always working and the game keeps crashing at some specifics events...
  5. kouky

    [Caanoo/wiz] Pcsx Rearmed R15

    Thank you for the release, will try it out now on the Caanoo :)
  6. kouky

    Jump To Moon

    Really? I didn't knew the game was shipped with the Console. Why GPH didn't told me about this??
  7. kouky

    Jump To Moon

    Hello there! I have ported Jump to the Moon on android platform, ready to enjoy: An iPhone version will follow soon! And yeah the game has been renamed 'bounce to the moon' as 'jump to the moon' already existed on iPhone. There are few changes in the gameplay...
  8. kouky - Future

    As I wrote few posts above, I'd be happy to give a hand on the design & front-end coding :) Evildragon, you can contact me about this on:
  9. kouky - Future

    I think Openhandheld would be best solution as it is already a popular destination. I'd be happy to help refresh the front end design, could even code it :) See my references:
  10. kouky

    Jxd S7100, The "caanoo" We've Been Dreaming Of?

    Yeah , this G18 looks good, anyone tested it already?
  11. kouky

    [Caanoo/wiz] Pcsx Rearmed R12

    Thanks for the release :) In wipeout 2097, the ships are all black, untextured... Is there a known workaround for it? Edit: nevermind... using the bios file and rebooting the Caanoo fixed it !
  12. kouky

    Jxd S7100, The "caanoo" We've Been Dreaming Of?

    Hi there, I just spotted an article about a new handheld console on engadget website: the JXD S7100: Product page on JXD website: touch...
  13. kouky

    Qt 4.7.1 For Caannoo + Qcheckers

    Yes, I thought you made an app to open directly qml files, with out compilation needed
  14. kouky

    Qt 4.7.1 For Caannoo + Qcheckers

    Oh, I thought you worked on a QML viewer for the Caanoo which could open qml files... But it doesn't seem to be the case... Shame :(
  15. kouky

    Qt 4.7.1 For Caannoo + Qcheckers

    Thanks Ainu, and where can I get the Qcheckers example?
  16. kouky

    Qt 4.7.1 For Caannoo + Qcheckers

    Hello Ainu, the download link you provide seems to be dead, could you check it? Thank you
  17. kouky

    The Amazing Adventures Of Echo V1.1

    I can't find how to fire the weapon? Do you start the game without any weapon? ( I'm playing the Caanoo version )
  18. kouky

    Has Gph Closed?

    their domains have not been renewed... Not to mention that outside of the main page, doesn't work on browsers apart from internet explorer... their facebook communication is dead... There's not even a link to their facebook page on fungp, neither to their twitter account, great...
  19. kouky

    Jump To Moon

    Hello Kayuz, Jump to the Moon helped us to understand the audience of the console as well as the support GPH can add to help promoting games on their console. We provided promotion materials to GPH such as banners to be displayed on FunGP homepage... They've never been used. I also sugested...