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  1. N

    Just Got A Gb Micro

    No, I'm aware of that. I'm just asking if it's compatible with the European version.
  2. N

    Just Got A Gb Micro

    I really hate GB/GBC games except for 5 of them orso. Anyways, does that Play Yan Micro hardware work on a European GBM? I just ran into it on the net, but it really sounds great if it works.
  3. N

    Dreamcast Problem

  4. N

    Rez And Ikaruga Coming To Xbox Live Near You

    Too bad I already have them on Dreamcast :rolleyes:
  5. N

    Dreamcast Problem

    Mine does that too so now and then. Just smash the damn thing. It always works for me with any hardware :rolleyes: NOTE: I'm not responsible for any damage your cause to yourself or the machine ;)
  6. N

    Just Got A Gb Micro

    Does anybody know where I could buy the cheapest cardridges? This is where I came up with: Is there also support for bigger MiniSD's then 2GB? I think I'm going to order one of these in a week orso. The price is like 60Euro's (for the 2gig) or somethig...
  7. N

    Just Got A Gb Micro

    I was wandering the city I live in and I had some Euro's to spend. I had a bad day and wanted to get busy with something new. After a long walk and looking for a PS3 version of THP8 I saw the GB Micro for just 50 Euro's and I bought it. I was pretty curious how it would look like and play...
  8. N

    New Gp2x F-200

    I think the F-200 is great! Even though I sold my MK2 a couple of months ago, I want an F-200. Mainly because I think the touchscreen gives the opportunity to use the 2X as agenda as well. And the way I see it, it wouldn't be that hard to program such an app. The D-Pad is one of the things...
  9. N

    Gp2x-f200 Presentation Video

    Yeah, lame video indeed. I would make a great one if I could get one of those f-200's. To use it for the video ofcourse :P No seriously.. :D
  10. N

    Gp2x F-200

    I thought TouchTechnology was based on like very small buttons under the screen itself. Thinking of that, if you would hold A during a game you sine a function every x amount of time the machine sends it. Then to come back at the touch screen issue, you press allot of small buttons at a time...
  11. N

    Gp2x F-200

    Hiya folks! I just discovered GPH came with her new console but, since the F-100 only lasts for about 6 hours, I expect the F-200 to drain the battery down in about 2 hours max. Do I get a totally wrong idea of this or is there even a little bit of truth in my way of thinking? Thanks in advance!
  12. N

    Does The Xbox 360 Usb Controller Work On The Gp2x Dock?

    Only drivers where needed to make it compatible with the BOB right? I've got all the drivers over here.
  13. N

    Raon Vega Vs Psp

    Looks like a neat device, but rather thick. Not that I bother, but I could understand the opinion of others if it's too thick. The specifications are nice though.
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    Handheld Dilemma

    On the other hand... Free games screw up gameplay <_< The only reason I want to buy a PSP for is Ridge Racer. Best race game ever!
  15. N

    Wtb: Dreamcast Vga Box

    As the title and description says. I am willing to pay 20 Euro's ex shipping costs. So if you want to get rid of your VGA box, just PM me :) Thanks in advance! -NoidZ-
  16. N

    Go To Hell!

    Level 4 Purgatory Repenting Believers Low Level 1 - Limbo Virtuous Non-Believers Moderate Level 2 Lustful Very High Level 3 Gluttonous Moderate Level 4 Prodigal and Avaricious Very High Level 5 Wrathful and Gloomy Low Level 6 - The City of Dis Heretics High Level 7 Violent...
  17. N

    Where Will You Be Going In The Afterlife?

    A Heineken pint :rolleyes:
  18. N

    Doom 2d

    You can make this yourself. You need a program called something like WADeditor. All the images, maps and items are in the wad file. Export them too jpg, png or bmp en start coding. I used to create Counter Strike maps with doom textures :rolleyes:
  19. N

    Which Os Are You?

    Am I the only one where FreeBsD turned out :blink: EDIT: I wanted to be.png at least... oh well :rolleyes: Which website are you?: Which Nigerian spammer are you?
  20. N

    Anyone Fancy Making This?

    This movie called spun also had a nice game. Fighting monkeys killing eachother with everything. Winner gets a shot of heroin :lol: