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  1. Chock

    Accessories - Got Usd Pricing

    Hi all, I just received an email from the team-that-never-sleeps. I am located in the US. Accessories: TV OUT $19.99 CASE $19.99 BATTERY $28.99 Unfortunately, still not much details on the case. Who, in the Pandora team could tell ? For sure, the case is not the most important part...
  2. Chock

    Bank Transfer Numbers

    @ecmp : the thing that I didn't mentioned in my previous post is that I was not part of the initial pre-order. So I have never seen what was in the initial emails sent back in october or so. I just sent an email, for the first time yesterday, to place an order. So what OP tried to do so that...
  3. Chock

    Bank Transfer Numbers

    That's not really clear to me... Also, all banks will charge for wire transfers (different banks will charge a different fee though). Also, who are you referring to when you say "we" ("we simply minus that from the amount were paying ") ? Thanks !
  4. Chock

    For Those Who Did Not Order Initially. Now It's Time !

    For those who didn't order in October, you can go ahead and do it now. I didn't order in October and only put my name in the mailing list in January. I haven't received anything via the mailing list but Saturday I finally took a look at the thread called "Reordering" though I initially...
  5. Chock

    Bank Transfer Numbers

    You might want to look into international money orders. It looks like fees are about 4$. If I remember correctly some messages posted 2 or 3days ago, you can send them as you would with a regular letter, that is First Class International mail for 0.94$ (of course, you don't have any insurance).
  6. Chock

    Reordering Deadline

    Hi Sander, where did you get the quote for the accessorie prices ? Thanks !
  7. Chock

    Accessories Update ?

    Howdy, I've been parsing the forum to get more details on the accessories ( tv cable and case). Even went to (aka but it not completely helping. Will the carry case be like the Wiz one , that is not completely closed (sides seems to be opened). Is it going...
  8. Chock

    Bank Transfer Numbers

    Hi, There are 2 options listed for transfers: international transfers in USD and international transfers in any other money. I'm in the US, my bank (Wells Fargo) has a fee web page that shows : (1) Wire Transfer — Outgoing International Wire — U.S. Currency Send an international...
  9. Chock

    Ideas For Animations.

    Every time I look at these pictures of the pandora logo, it makes me think about an animation that would be cool : The pandora box looks like (a little) to an alien with its legs fold up on himself. So, picturing one of these screenshots with the word pandora , without the logo... You could...
  10. Chock

    Rainbow Panda

    How about some small characters (like a bubble bobble dragon, a pac-man, a mario..a spaceship from a shoot them up, a sword, a joystick, some console shapes, a monkey from Monkey Island... anything that reminds retro-games). If you want to show that the pandora can do more, you could also put a...
  11. Chock


    This new header is definitely very nice ! The only minor thing I can see is that with this header + the upper header that says "The unofficial pandora blog", it takes 50% of the page on a 1024x768 laptop screen. When you add the firefox headers, that's more than 50% of the whole screen before...
  12. Chock

    When I Actually Have The Pandora In My Hands...

    "When I Actually Have The Pandora In My Hands..." "... of course I will put it back on the table and read the manual first !" - Pinocchio
  13. Chock

    Still Time For An Easter Egg...

    Since the case is entering its last prototyping stages, there is still time to put an easter egg there (like the dev team signatures in an Amiga 1000)... or anywhere else..!
  14. Chock

    Mailing List Inscription Confirmation

    Thanks for the quick reply !
  15. Chock

    Mailing List Inscription Confirmation

    Hi all, I've browsed the forum but couldn't find an answer : when subscribing to the mailing list on the front page of, are we supposed to receive some type of confirmation email ? Of course receiving the newsletter will be a confirmation but since I don't know how often one...