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  1. sverm

    The box is open.

    The box is open.
  2. sverm

    dual screen

    I suspect once the video out cables start shipping, that a lot of new ideas will pop up about how to use it.
  3. sverm

    Pandora Apps, it's alive!

    What's the sort order? It kinda looks like most recent first. If that's just an illusion, perhaps it should be an option.
  4. sverm

    VICE C64

    That was the #2 cause of "joystick not working" problem on the C64. While most games worked in Port 2, some were Port 1 and all you did was switch ports. I didn't have many games that had 2-player simultaneous action. So most of the time we'd just swap. FWIW, the #1 cause of "joystick not...
  5. sverm

    You favourite nubs, L-R buttons setup?

    Since I'm a lefty and Shift-Drag didn't work well for me and my southpaw to drag windows around when they extend the size of the screen, I remapped the Right shoulder to allow me to drag windows around. I've left everything else default. I prefer the stylus for pointing about half the time...
  6. sverm

    Pandora Pandora. Operating. System. Development.

    I for one, would be extremely excited to see even a simple "HELLO WORLD" running on the bare metal with no overhead OS. I don't know how the ARM processor works, but the x86 platform immediately starts executing code at the address F000:FFF0. I'm sure something like that must exist on the ARM...
  7. sverm

    Release Hotfix 5 - RC2. Last one before going final

    Whichever default player comes up when I open an MP3 file directly from file manager. So that would be mplayer, in my case.
  8. sverm

    Release Hotfix 5 - RC2. Last one before going final

    I've had that icon snafu ever since I installed the community codec I think, even on HF4. Either way, it's ugly, but it works, even though I only use the hardware volume and never use that icon for volume control. I guess that's one of those ignorable things. Remember, "sleep" right now, is...
  9. sverm

    Trying to map some keys in Vice x64

    Bump, and does anyone know if the order of the entries in Vice's keymap file is relevant?
  10. sverm

    PND_RUN.SH command line problem

    If it were me, I would just rename the SMC file to ActRaiser2.smc, no spaces.
  11. sverm

    mplayer spawns multiple instances

    I'm getting a rather weird behavior in mPlayer, as shipped in the Community Codec pack. When I click File>Open Folder and select an album to play it plays fine. But if I do it again for a different folder, MPlayer seems to go haywire and start playing multiple tracks at once. I can quit one...
  12. sverm

    Battery storage temperature? Charged: 50%.

    What about stuffing a little sachet of silica gel in with it? Those are often used in packaging for many electronics. That should absorb any moisture in the air around it.
  13. sverm

    Pandora 2 wish list - Ultimate Pandora

    I'd like to see a handheld C-One-based device. The mother of all emulators: reprogrammable CPU.
  14. sverm

    Switched to serial - how to reboot?

    Failing that, there's always the pulling-the-battery option, I suppose too. The Pandora is one creek you've always got a paddle.
  15. sverm

    Trying to map some keys in Vice x64

    This may be something Pickle or someone with lots of experience with Vice and Pandora's keyboard input mapping might be able shed some light on. Using the output of xmodmap -pke and this chart: I was able to determine that Vice's keymap apparently has the Pandora's keysym right bracket...
  16. sverm

    More Painful: Waiting for news on the forums or waiting for shipping e-mail?

    The most painful for me was the time between the shipping e-mail and before receiving it! That's how I learned all about its little quirks before getting mine. It better prepared me for a trouble-free experience once I got mine!
  17. sverm

    My Open Pandora On Ebay

    Then I want the DVD!
  18. sverm

    My Open Pandora On Ebay

    Funny you should say that! I originally ordered my Pandora back when I thought my wife would have it in time for when in recovery from having our first child. Our second child just came about last year (by then she had an iPod) and I received my Pandora just last week! Needless to say, I...
  19. sverm

    Pandorapress needs writers!

    I've read through a few of your recent lengthy-ish posts which, written by a few others might have been tl;dr. So I'll vouch for you, mate. I'd offer my own time as I also do end-user documentation in my work duties, but am rather short on time. As an example, yesterday, with all the...
  20. sverm

    Release Beta Test: Upcoming (HF5) Firmware Image

    Try another channel number of your WiFi. There could be just a little sensitivity with the channel you're using that the Pandora doesn't like.