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  1. D

    This is what I do to scratched cd's...

    It must be cool to have a lot of spare time to do that... who cleans up after you?! :lol:
  2. D

    Wormlight guide....

    Worm lights are £1.99 here but I've heard you can buy them for £1.00 from some of the Brit "Pound Shops" (I wonder what'll happen to these shops when we start using the Euro? "1.75 Euro Shop"?! Hmmm). Anyone in the UK wanna make a load and sell them? I may be able to source a cheap place to...
  3. D

    Wormlight guide....

    So how much are going to sell these for?! :D
  4. D

    256 MB SMC Working...

    Thank God for :D
  5. D


    What exactly are you talking about here - i tried the link and the forums are overloaded... :rolleyes:
  6. D

    my gp32 exploded

    Have you tried a new SMC or cleaned the gold connections on the one you have?
  7. D

    GPasteroids soon

    How about an option to change the background/vector colours? I'd love to play with a blue background and yellow/white vectors ;)
  8. D

    Castaway/GP 10.2 Released!

    The menu system's on 10.2 are looking miles better... nice one!
  9. D

    New MP3 player

    the ones I have problems with are 16K/16Khz... I guess I was quoting wrong earlier - they were 44Khz/128bit and 44Khz/192bit.. my mistake.. :D
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    New MP3 player

    128k and 192k sampled mp3s work ok.... my slower sampled files play fast still :/ arrrrrrrrrsssse! <_<
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    New MP3 player

    Hmm i've had a look on the Gamepark site but not found any info about this. Where exactly do I download it? :(
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    I was on another forum (I'll spare them from total redicule!) talking about the GP32 and just about everyone in there thinks that the GP32 does not exist and that I'm totally mad! One guy said that GamePark had gone out of buisness ages ago! :D I'm not going to bother arguing with them and...
  13. D

    Samsung 128MB SMC £14.99 + VAT

    Whats the postage like at EBuyer?
  14. D

    Lo All...

    Welcome! I hope you feel better soon matey! :rolleyes:
  15. D

    CaSTaway GP feedback

    How about adding the following (just to make things look nicer!?): 1. A graphical load-up screen (Atari Logo perhaps?). 2. A graphical "A" drive "B" drive selection screen where you can see what file is/was selected for A/B and perhaps automatic database lookup and display the...
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    CaSTaway GP feedback

    How about getting an external port up and running with a port on a GP32 so we can connect Modems, get an IP address and connect to the net ;) hehe... is there a web browser out for the ST?
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    doom gama correction?

    MMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! Doom 3 anyone?
  18. D

    New Castaway/GP 009!

    Woooooooooooot! So what version we on at the moment?!?!? I'm lost... please... help... me..... please.....................
  19. D

    Fucked up castaway!

    So corrupt files screw the SMC?
  20. D

    Hi Guys and Gals

    Welcome to the downward spiral!