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  1. U

    Wind And Water: Puzzle Battles Official Release!

    After evolvin in the game, I am always sayin it's the best puzzle game ever made, this one is pure art, and built with that in mind, because it's a nearly perfect game that talks about how to make a game from draft to a polished one. Why such a polished game didn't appear earlier on other...
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    Wind And Water: Puzzle Battles Official Release!

    Wot... wot... wot... wot... wot an amazing final game !!!! Best Puzzle Game Ever !
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    Wind And Water Last 12 Hours To Preorder!

    approx 23hrs later... no news... But the w&w website seems to be updated :D
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    Wind And Water Last 12 Hours To Preorder!

    W&W Puzzle Battles... Now! Where ? :D
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    Wind And Water Last 12 Hours To Preorder!

    1 hour left... Where is the jewel ?! :P
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    Gp2x Dishonest Retailer

    As said in my previous message : "And for your information, another very good EU reseller sent me 2 joycaps for free..." But many thanx for your generous offer... That EU reseller sent me these 2 joycap for FREE without any previous buy from me !!!!! That's the difference, short answer from the...
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    Wind And Water Last 12 Hours To Preorder!

    Wow all my attention is there now ... Hope to see my sprite soon too. Thanx for this amazing work of design & gameplay !
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    Gp2x Dishonest Retailer

    Well about craigix, it depends, sometimes the support is great, sometime it is not... I sent him past weeks an email and a PM to know if he got some joycap in stock and I never get an answer... So if you can answer in this post craigix about my request :) If you don't have any that's not a...
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    Gp2x Code::blocks Pre-configured Sdk Rc2

    Thanx for the update !!!
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    Gp2x Code::blocks Pre-configured Sdk Rc2

    This doesn't seems to be a dll problem because the SDL is initialising and the running binary doesn't report missing dlls. Here you can find all you need : Thanx for any help EDIT : I just found it, libpng wasn't in the built directory !!! Knock me out !!! :)
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    Gp2x Code::blocks Pre-configured Sdk Rc2

    I am experiencing something strange. Well I have not another toolchain on my computer but now I made a simple app that load a png and moving it over the screen. When compiling and testing within codeblock there is no problem, I see the thing correctly but when I launch the exe outside, it seems...
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    Gp2x Code::blocks Pre-configured Sdk Rc2

    As said before, you could try this :
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    Gp2x Code::blocks Pre-configured Sdk Rc2

    In your GP2X template properties, build target, PC should be "GUI application" type and GP2X "Console application" type. They seems to be inverted ( will not be easy to figure out for a noob ) ;) Anyway for my first try, Code:Blocks seems better than Dev-cpp !!! Thx again for that toolchain !
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    Gp2x Code::blocks Pre-configured Sdk Rc2

    I hope it could be updated/fixed easily if that toolchain is really better than the default SDK :)
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    Gp2x Code::blocks Pre-configured Sdk Rc2

    Very nice, will try that package to continue dev over gp2x. Could be better than the default gp2x SDK. Thanx so much !
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    Doukutsu Monogatari ~ Cave Story

    Very nice news, was waiting for a release to play with. Great work Simon Parzer !
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    Largest Capacity/best Batteries?

    Just bought 2650, they gave me strange results : --------------------------------------- STATISTICS: Clock Speed: 200 Mhz Running Time: 4:05:00 Average FPS: 81.27 Current charge: 0% Initial internal charge: 893 Current internal charge: 578 STATISTICS: Clock Speed: 250 Mhz Running Time...