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  1. L

    Linux Arm Netbooks?

    Yes and your netbook doesn't have memory, screen, HD and Wifi that all eat significant power? n330 was not popular in netbooks because it's not a mobile chip, it was designed for small desktops.
  2. L

    Pandora A "new" Good Way To Program For The Pandora?

    They describe part of it. But you don't get tricky details that can kill your performance very badly. For instance, do they describe aliasing issues in branch buffers due to the hashing function in use or due to index limitations? But I agree there's a lack of optimization guide for ARM...
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    Linux Arm Netbooks?

    If you don't get a ION-based netbook then you probably won't get faster video than an SGX SoC :) One A9 should be 10-20% faster at the same frequency as an Atom for integer code.
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    Pandora A "new" Good Way To Program For The Pandora?

    Intel and AMD don't describe such things as branch predictors either. These are typically patented or completely secret.
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    Linux Arm Netbooks?

    That's the sad truth. So if N450 performance-level is mandatory, forget about ARM netbook.
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    Pandora A "new" Good Way To Program For The Pandora?

    Where did you get that information from? It doesn't make sense to me, though it can be true.
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    Pandora A "new" Good Way To Program For The Pandora?

    Silly me, I had explained why it was doing so, but I probably accidentally deleted that part in my answer. The ARM EABI requires the stack to be aligned to a multiple of 8. I agree gcc 4.3.3 does it in a stupid way, given that most advanced ARM processors have an internal 64-bit interface with...
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    Pandora A "new" Good Way To Program For The Pandora?

    It's because your code uses an undefined behaviour since it doesn't return a value for main. Using it, CSL generates: .LFB11: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. movw r0, #:lower16:.LC0 movt r0, #:upper16:.LC0 b...
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    Pandora A "new" Good Way To Program For The Pandora?

    For gcc 4.3.3, I can't say. CSL2009q3 does it: $ ~/work/Cross/arm-2009q3-67/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -O2 -mcpu=cortex-a8 -S hello.c -o hello-test.s $ cat hello-test.s [...] .LFB11: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 stmfd sp!, {r3, lr} .save...
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    Pandora A "new" Good Way To Program For The Pandora?

    Are you sure? Did you try this -mcpu=cortex-a8 -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp BTW I've been using CSL2009q3 for months without any issue.
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    I'd even say that *proving* such (non-)usage is the same as being able to detect all code paths statically, so it's intractable :)
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    Pandora Sgx Driver Benchmarks

    PowerNow has been available for AMD chips since 2000 on the K6-2+.
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    Pandora Sgx Driver Benchmarks

    Huh? My x86 changes frequency and voltage on the fly without any issue, using cpufreq.
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    Pandora Sgx Driver Benchmarks

    I guess (hope) it's because they have some unified driver and ES 1.1 is probably still used by some customers :)
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    Pandora Sgx Driver Benchmarks

    @ WizardStan, conso: sorry, I'll try to explain. For me a back-end is a program that takes some input and generates native code. In that case, it would mean translating Quake3 internal representation (qvm, for Quake virtual machine) into ARM code at runtime.
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    Pandora Sgx Driver Benchmarks

    conso, you didn't get it :)
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    Pandora Sgx Driver Benchmarks

    So if I understand you correctly, an ARM back-end would be very desirable, right? Any idea of what the impact on speed the interpreted VM has?
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    Pandora Sgx Driver Benchmarks

    I mean this: Given there's no ARM back-end all QVM files are interpreted.
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    Pandora Sgx Driver Benchmarks

    I wonder what the impact on Q3 speed the interpreted VM has...
  20. L

    Overclocking Test On An Cortex A8 Processor

    At last some interesting numbers, thanks :) Can you say what parts of the CPU/SoC this port of Q3 uses? - NEON? (I guess it does) - SGX? (it surely does) - DSP? (I guess it doesn't) If I'm right, the only missing thing is the DSP. But your test is definitely better than anything I've seen...