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  1. M

    Help out with some emulation texts

    No I did not forget anything. I put all the info in using your template - the post is the result. I have edited it twice to try to get them to show up. The text I see when editing looks like your code but what actually posts look different. I also got the image error skeezix got. Edit - okay to...
  2. M

    Help out with some emulation texts

    Amstrad CPC - Emulation Cap32 System: Amstrad CPC Emulator: Cap32 Maintainer: jonsneyers http://Link_to_YouTube_Video_of_The_Emulator Caprice32 is one of the best emulator of the Amstrad CPC home computer series running on Windows and Unix, written by Ulrich Doewich. This emulator...
  3. M

    Setting Time and date to GMT+12

    And now my pandora knows where it is and the correct time. Time to reinstall pandora clock. Thank you very much. :)
  4. M

    Setting Time and date to GMT+12

    Awesome - thank you. I will try this tonight.
  5. M

    Setting Time and date to GMT+12

    Is there a way to select New Zealand as the time zone? I really need GMT +12 to work, but the date and time selection screen is missing New Zealand as an option. The closest location I can set the Pandora to is Sydney, which is a few hours off. Can I do this from command line and have the...
  6. M

    Has *anybody* received a refund from OpenPandora Ltd (Craig's) in 2013?

    Heck Darkborn - sure people are upset and feel like they've been taken for a ride. This has all gone on for so long now (4 years plus) that Craig's "operation blame ED" is just tiresome. Why bother to deal with Craig at all - he never seems to learn anything about dealing with people. I think...
  7. M

    A further update on preorders (18th of November 2012)

    +1 Actually this stuff make me very angry. As such it is hard to contribute contructively, which then gives Craig ammunition to say that we're just a bunch of Trolls. For my pandora for example: I preordered (which got reversed by visa) Repaid same amount via bank transfer 3 months later...
  8. M

    A further update on preorders (18th of November 2012)

    Yes it is. Please email Craig and tell him you'd like to cross upgrade, and he will give you a reference you can use when you order ftom EDs shop, and he will remove you from his queue. If you are prepared to do this you are truly awesome.
  9. M

    A further update on preorders (18th of November 2012)

    edit - Yes this was not a well considered post.
  10. M

    A further update on preorders (18th of November 2012)

    Your order will happen, what is uncertain is when, and whether Ed will get any actual money for the manufacture of it (or even whether OPUK will exist when you get it). You've done nothing wrong, but have been screwed over by the circumstances. If this had been setup so the money for all 1GHZ...
  11. M

    Congratulations to the email-backlog crunchers!

    Guys that is a really awesome thing you have done. Hopefully ED can have a more normal life with the huge backlog sorted out.
  12. M

    Emails to remaining preorders.

    1 less pre-order is 1 less pre order liability. ED gets the money for the manufacture of the unit. Craig benefits by having 1 less pandora order to fill. A refund requires actual money to be sent from OPUK. Craig is not sending any money to ED for the new 1GHZ upgrades. In fact ED is out of...
  13. M

    Is it worth the upgrade? (from a CC unit)

    I tried playing a video directly from a samba share on my NAS on my 1 GHZ unit with an external wireless N adaptor and performance was extremely poor. Copying the whole video file to my pandoras SD card across the same link was very fast so I just did that and watched the file from my SD card...
  14. M

    Who has Received their 1Ghz Pandora Poll

    Yes from Craig. Was #6 in the queue.
  15. M

    Right, let's start recovering this?

    I assure you as an investor that we did not put our hands up to take on the losses of Openpandora UK. Ed created a business plan that we all (investors) agreed to, and part of that plan is funding units for the outstanding pre-orders (including the ones from openpandora UK) through sales of new...
  16. M

    The current situation

    I really do not think that un-upgraded pre-orders are going to get 1 GHZ units. Please everyone assume that that will not happen unless Ed tell you that.
  17. M

    Help for 1 ghz newbies.

    I had the super geometry dust problem which was driving me batty (must have installed it 5 times) but I eventually got around it by always launching it from pndmanager. NIce to know its a nubs mode issue.
  18. M

    Offset clock

    Is there a way to select New Zealand as the time zone? I really need GMT +12 to work, but the date and time selection screen is missing New Zealand as an option. As a result Pandora clock - great as it is - gives me the time in australia if wifi is on. If we could simply set our own GMT offset...
  19. M

    replacement case with screen order ETA ?

    Thank you very much - I have it today and I now have a working pandora again. When I assembled it and turned it on nothing happened so I feared I'd stuffed up somewhere ... but it turned out the battery was completely flat and it was fine once I plugged in the charger.
  20. M

    replacement case with screen order ETA ?

    Ed will you be able to ship the replacement case with screen fitted that I ordered from dragonbox anytime soon? It's getting kind of tiresome using the pandy with the screen rooted, but I figured after 4 years wait I couldn't bear to send it away for fixing so I've ordered one of these...