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  1. C

    Going On Trip To Australia.....

    You lucky chap - Australia is indeed the best country in the world. :P
  2. C


  3. C

    Can You Only Get 166 And Not 168?

    I'm sure you'll have no problems whatsoever - they're always excellent - who knows, they might exchange it for a 180 mhz one :D Nevertheless, it does bring into question GBAX's testing procedures when guaranteeing speed...
  4. C

    Can You Only Get 166 And Not 168?

    I trust yours isn't a GBAX guaranteed one, then?
  5. C

    Can You Only Get 166 And Not 168?

    Good for you :P But we're talking about BLU's, not FLU's. Can you tell I'm jealous as my other 2 flu's (both modded) only go to 166 :D
  6. C

    Can You Only Get 166 And Not 168?

    My BLU goes 166 but craps out at 168 too regrettably.
  7. C

    Unofficial Opensnes9xgp V0.2 Mod For 200mhz

    My BLU goes to 166 and craps out at 168.
  8. C

    Unofficial Opensnes9xgp V0.2 Mod For 200mhz

    Anyone given this a whirl? I can only go to 166 on the 3 GP32's, but I'd be particularly interested in reports of performance at 180 and how it compares at 166 since GBAX is now offering 180's.
  9. C

    Skeptists, This Is For You...

    I'm an optimist, but we might be getting ahead of ourselves a bit with a preditction that GP Advance will be all things to all people. Re: opensnes - I too look forward to that, and I gather yoyo will try to get something out in the next couple of months.
  10. C

    Gp32 Blu - Crooked Screens, Dingy Whites

    Couldn't have put that better myself :D Seriously, with the very siginificant improvement, you'd be mad as a cut snake, finances permitting, if you didn't get a BLU. Notwithstanding Gamepark's farcical method of getting the screen in, it seems to me that the buttons are of better quality...
  11. C

    Good Amiga Games

    I play a few on my Xbox regularly: ProjectX SWOS Superfrog Assassins Base Jumpers Battle Squadron ATR Jim Power There's more - I'll have to fire up my Xbox later :D
  12. C

    Good Amiga Games

    Hey, I'm a "glass half full" kinda guy :D I recall yoyo, a far better judge than any of us, on these very boards suggesting Amiga emulation would indeed be possible, so I'm prepared to hang my hat on that ;)
  13. C

    The On-going Flu/blu Saga

    Sam, and I do say this jokingly, a small piece of advice I picked up from the Simpsons: its better to remain silent and be suspected a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt :P Seriously, though, I find if you keep all your problems to yourself and bottle them up inside, its very...
  14. C

    Gen Emu Gp32

    Fgen at 166 mhz, and it loses the odd frame on very rare occasions (auto frameskip). And its not *full* sound - Z80 is not implemented so you don't get the "Say-ga" at the start. But Z80 is coming :D
  15. C

    Good Amiga Games

    I'll turn my mind to my old Miggy favourites when an emu for the GP32 comes out :P With nearly all the major platforms within the GP32's grasp appraoching the finish line over the next year or so, an Amiga emulator could be the last big thing for the GP32, and you never know - Dave's cyclone...
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    OK, here's my mashmods experience: + reasonably good response to emails + joystick works fantastically in all directions and just feels *a lot* better + buttons now very responsive (before, both were becoming very unresponsive) + works fine at 166 mhz + glass screen and no more of those weird...
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    Gp32linux And Opie :) [pda]

    Thankyou ingeras and thnks falken80 :D Keep up the fine work (when you have time) ;)
  18. C

    The Service At Gbax Is....

    Yep, I've ordered 3 GP32's over the last year or so, and the service has always been excellent. I wouldn't buy anywhere else.
  19. C

    Best Gbc Emultor?

    I think that's right - I recall seeing the same explanation too.