Search results

  1. D

    Yeti 3d

    Ah, come on. It won't be a commecial project of any sort and I'm sure, if he asks nicely, the dev of yeti3D would permit it. You could see this game as some sort of techdemo for yeti3D which could get other commercial developers interested. Or he just couldn't ask them at all and they would not...
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    Yeti 3d

    No idea for a name, because I don't know what it looks like. :D To make screenshots, press "Print" on your keyboard and "Paste" it into you graphics-software, or use a so called "Screenshot grabber" (Search google), which would do it aswell. Good luck for your project.
  3. D

    Can Replace Korean Firmware To English One?

    Yeah, that is possible. Search the board for "flash firmware" or similar and you will find help.
  4. D

    Status On 1.48 very schlow schpeed and with some graphical glitches. Right now, there is not GBA emulator and we will see in the future (some months?) if there will ever be one.
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    Yeti 3d

    For shizzle. Just search for Quake 2 modding stuff. But search for simple looking characters first, so that there is no FPS-slowdown this early in development. Maybe try
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    Batterie Problems

    That's called "Memory Effect" and comes from recharging the batteries. What kind of batteries do you use?
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    GP32 Nsf Player

    Cool. Is there something similar for SNES or GB?
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    Gba Hombrewn

    Don't try to get something to work this soon. They are still releasing new versions every 3 days or so. If you are lucky, a game might work a little, but you shouldn't expect to actually use that emu for playing GBA-Roms of any kind.
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    Gpadvance 1.48 What Will Work ?

    Yoshi's Island runs near full speed with sound enabled. Hold on. Nope. It doesn't. Why is there a topic for every tiny update of this emu? And why is there even a news-entry on the front page for every tiny update?
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    Yeti 3d

    Sprites? Didn't Yeti use normal, 3D polygon-characters for everything?
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    Open Source Snes

    mkay. But when exactly is soon? Soon like "in 5 minutes" or soon like in "well. maybe give it a week?" or soon like in "hey, I think your chances are pretty high that you will actually still be alive when it comes out" or even soon like in "yeah. soon. right after he finished all his projects...
  12. D

    Unknown Error Occurred

    Ask some techi-friend for a so called multimeter and check through every contact of the cable.
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    Media Which Doesn't Report About The Gp32

    Why? It's their right to do so. And noone actually bothers about the GP32. In addition, it is not released in Germany at all. So why should those mainstream mags talk about them (both are German). I mean - they also do not talk about the Zodiac, or Flashlinkers for GBA, because most people do...
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    Unknown Error Occurred

    Is you USB-cable okay/plugged in correctly? Maybe your contacts are dirty or the cable itself broke.
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    Random Insults Are Bad, Hugs Are Nice >:)

    For some strange reason I have got the same opinion as you do in most threads, but most times I simply am too lazy to post that or ignore the tread. Back to topic. Hail to the rainbow.
  16. D

    We Did It ;) It would be under "telechargement" (=download), but right about now it is not released.
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    Rlyeh Got His Cw For Zodiac

    Don't you have other things to worry about than what some anonymous community thinks about some unknown, gameboyesque handheld? Noone really profits from all that time you spend on talking about that. Just my idea. :rolleyes: Ignore me and have fun.
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    Rlyeh Got His Cw For Zodiac

    So... What should we do against it? Let him do whatever he thinks is best. But on the other hand it's not quite nice of the Zodiac people to just buy all the other good coders from other communitys. Hmm. But on the other other hand, they paid him for joining them. (At least I think so. - Did...
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    Stupid Question About The People Here

    Maybe, we could announce important topics in the news, such as "Which GBA emu is best" and move them to a sort of tutorial section on the main page?
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    Iidx Is Truly Insane...

    I rulzor you all away with my wicked and mad DDR skillz. IIdx is nice, but moving while playing is better imo.