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  1. Barnaby

    Pandora RAM upgrade?

    Sending it back from the UK. Gonna ship it off tomorrow since there's no upgrade program.
  2. Barnaby

    Pandora RAM upgrade?

    Where can I find his email? I wasn't sure if I should contact one of the sales emails for his shop, since I didn't buy from him, I bought from the UK (I emailled them and they gave me the RMA form and Evildragon's postage address)
  3. Barnaby

    Pandora RAM upgrade?

    I believe I have tried to completely wipe Firefox's appdata, yes. I'll try it again once I've had my Pandora returned though just incase that is something I missed, cheers
  4. Barnaby

    Pandora RAM upgrade?

    Ah Ok, thank you :) . Guess I'll just sent my Pandora back ASAP then... it's been too long since I've been able to properly enjoy it 'cause of the PTOD. Shame I couldn't get it upgraded at the same time though.
  5. Barnaby

    Pandora RAM upgrade?

    Hey everyone, I've been away from the community for a while so I'm not quite up to speed on everything. My Pandora's been suffering from the Purple Tint of Death for a couple of months now so I'm getting ready to ship it off (I've already filled out my RMA), but I remembered somewhere that it...
  6. Barnaby

    Release Uplink port!

    Should I just pick the bundle up for cheap to be sure then? I've wanted DEFCON on my Pandora since I got it.
  7. Barnaby

    Release Uplink port!

    I have DEFCON and Uplink on disc, will these still work or do I need to get the Humble Bundle versions? I don't have much money and I'd feel bad paying a tiny amount for it. Would be nice to get Darwinia and Multiwinia though.
  8. Barnaby

    Another Purple screen...

    I was just about to create my own topic, but noticed this one instead. I got my Pandora around Feburary, after a few months owning it I got the PTOD and got it RMA'd in the UK, got a new unit back, and now a few months later I've got the PTOD AGAIN, only now I'm not so sure if I should contact...
  9. Barnaby

    Release Pcsx-Rearmed

    Oh wow, GunCon support is an unexpected and pleasant surprise :D. Time Crisis works really well, thanks for adding it! This emulator is just getting more and more impressive. I like the speed increases too, and some glitches I noticed in MGS seems to have gone now. FFIX can still be a bit slow...
  10. Barnaby

    Release Firefox 5.0

    Is that this: It's the only topic that comes up when I search for swap tools utility except this one. The page isn't actually loading for me right now (another problem I have with my Pandora - some pages don't load and I just have to keep retrying over and over again till it loads). Also it...
  11. Barnaby

    Release Firefox 5.0

    I just downloaded Firefox 5 from this morning, and at first it seemed OK but then it just crashes a LOT, at random times. Sometimes it'll freeze for a few seconds then crash, sometimes it freezes for a few minutes and in that time nothing works - the start menu won't respond...
  12. Barnaby

    A fresh new start, Part 1 (2011-07-12)

    Wow. I haven't been on the forums for a while, and I was curious as to how the project was doing. It's awful to see you're still getting screwed over by CC, so good on you for finally telling them enough is enough! I really hope you find a reliable company for Batch 2. The Pandora really...
  13. Barnaby


    19 (Oct 1991) from the UK. When I placed my order I was 16! I seem to be one of the only people in here who doesn't have any programming knowledge :( . I'm more on the art side of games, I'm learning 3D modelling and level design among other things at University, so the Pandora isn't very...
  14. Barnaby

    Compile Groove for Pandora?

    Yeah pretty sure it's US only. I live in the UK, so I can't use it. Grooveshark unfortunately doesn't work in Firefox, even the versions with Flash installed it comes up with a Flash error.
  15. Barnaby

    Compile Groove for Pandora?

    Sorry to bump a month old topic, but I'm having the same issue as Boolean. It just won't find any songs, and half the time it gets stuck on the initialising phase, which means I can't even search at all! If it gets past that, I can do a search, it tells me it's fetching files, then it displays...
  16. Barnaby

    Is this the dreaded Purple Tint of Death?

    I sent an email to yesterday, no reply yet though. It's not gotten to the stage where it's weird colours at every angle, so I can still play games as long as I don't tilt the screen up. Hopefully they'll get back to me before it gets even worse.
  17. Barnaby

    Is this the dreaded Purple Tint of Death?

    I have no idea, could be I suppose. No way of telling. I don't really know too much about electronics, so I don't want to open the unit. I'd probably very easily break something, and I'd void the warranty.
  18. Barnaby

    Is this the dreaded Purple Tint of Death?

    Ok I'll contact Jacqueline and see what I should do. Thanks. This is a bad April Fools Day joke for my Pandora to play on me >:C. It was working fine last night!
  19. Barnaby

    Is this the dreaded Purple Tint of Death?

    I've had my Pandora for a few months now, but have only recently really gotten into playing games on it for long stretches of time with FFIX. I picked it up this morning, and after a few minutes of playing the whole screen was covered with a purple and green mess. At first I thought it was that...
  20. Barnaby

    Release Pcsx-Rearmed

    Ah cheers, that helped a little bit. Still slows down while loading battles and casting spells, but not as much. I've played about an hour and a half of it so far, but I might stop playing it soon because the speed decreases are a bit annoying. The first hour of the game isn't very battle heavy...