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  1. J

    I Want To Get Back Into My Gp32...

    I haven't been around here for a while and indeed haven't touched my GP32 this year, I'm wanting to get back into it though, so some questions- 1: A personal question. Should I totally erase everything and start anew or put new stuff on as I used to do picking and choosing? 2: What major...
  2. J

    A Rival Handheld

    I wonder if someone could actually make some decent stuff for it... It'd be a challenege and a semi-amusing one.
  3. J

    Psx Emu

    This is hard to believe unless BLUs turn out to be overclockable into the 200s and someone has released a memory mod. Which I doubt.
  4. J

    Smc Memory

    They seem pretty common to me, camera shops have them (quite expensive though) as does argos (cheapest I've found)
  5. J

    Arg What Should I Take

    ugh I can't imagine Aerobiz on the GP32, that was hard enough to work on the PC. I ended up mostly just playing Soul Blazer and Harvest Moon on the GBA (It is OK despite its huge mistakes) I did get Terranigma working only to discover it was a zelda style game and not a RPG and since I was...
  6. J

    Arg What Should I Take

    GoodSNES? Anyway thats my last post. I won't be reading this until I get back probally...
  7. J

    Arg What Should I Take

    ...odd I've never got Terranigma working at all even on 166mhz, no sound. It froze on starting new game I think. For patching roms myself I have never heard of doing this.
  8. J

    Arg What Should I Take

    I'd love to take Bahumet Lagoon though its Japanese and translation patches don't work on GP32 emulators yet. I'm thinking square based strategy is good. Game Gear Shining Force- I'd forgot it existed... hmm... I'd rather not try 8 bit RPGs, I find them boring due to a lack of a story...
  9. J

    Arg What Should I Take

    I've tried to get the Zelda Oracle games though can't get them anywhere...
  10. J

    Arg What Should I Take

    hmm Phantasy Star, I'd forgot about that. I bought the GBA cart of that ages ago though haven't done much as I got bored on PS1 (Same as with Breath of Fire 1...). Thats one thing I can do - stock up on walkthroughs for my GBA games.
  11. J

    Arg What Should I Take

    I'm going away for a week and can't think what to take on my GP32, I've got Day of the Tentacle to finish and Indianna Jones +Fate of Atlantis and I'm wanting some more RPGS. Shining Force doesn't work yet, FF5 and Unchared Waters 2 have transparency problems and translation patches don't work...
  12. J

    A Cautionary Tale

    So flashing is easy to do? I'll have to check a more recent multi firmware (do they have one with the european firmware included yet? I like pacrom...)
  13. J

    Worried About Build Quality!

    Never had any actual problems though I do not trust the control stick at all, it is very clicky. If only they'd went with a d-pad :(.... hmm.... Could some sort of a d-pad mod work...
  14. J

    What's Your Religion?

  15. J

    KO2 OR SS

    !!! 2D Fifa was brilliant! It was one of the best games on the mega drive.
  16. J

    GP32 Chatboards

    I can't see what they could be used for.
  17. J

    Meet Up

    I thought one was already being organised. It was going to be in Birmingham wasn't it? (it was somewhere in the south I know)
  18. J

    KO2 OR SS

    FIFA was the best football game on the 16bit consoles.
  19. J

    Gp64 Wish List

    You can get pretty big memory cards its just they aren't used by the gp32. They keep the cost down- a hard drive would add a lot to the cost. I'd want- More buttons. A d-pad. No non-flu version
  20. J


    People still play CS? That game pretty much went to the shitter with V 1.6, it used to be good too....