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  1. C

    Anybody Heard Anything From Yet?

    Nice! did you find out if this was the same batch that Craig got (and was held up in customs for a couple of weeks) or a later one? I'm thinking of getting a few things from Lik-Sang in a few days and I'd like to have an idea of how long customs is taking this year.
  2. C

    Gp2x Serial Cable Needed Please

    Awesome, thanks!
  3. C

    Gp2x Serial Cable Needed Please

    If this works out and fixes foft's unit, can you do a write-up of the process? (back up and restore) From both of your experiences, it looks like it's very easy to accidentally brick the unit if you do any "power user" stuff with it, and I'd like to back mine up before I start coding for it.
  4. C

    Decreasing Boot Time

    My guess is that they have bigger problems to solve than boot time (eg fitting in the newer SD card driver for > 1GB cards and making assorted tweaks/bugfixes), and if they're not very used to working on linux they probably don't want to risk introducing new bugs while fixing something that's...
  5. C

    Quake Ii Released

    It would also make the whole thing legal. The textures are the property of iD, so resampling and redistributing them would be redistribution of copyrighted material. A program that takes the files you already own and munges them should be legit though.
  6. C

    News From Gph (14-11-05)

    Keep in mind that tension's higher than usual right now, so people are going to be less friendly than they normally would be (that's my excuse anyway :P)
  7. C

    Gph != Gpl?

    Either you're totally incapable of reading between the lines or you're being deliberately obtuse. Either way, I'm done talking about this with you.
  8. C

    Gph != Gpl?

    I take it you've never been on the wrong end of a flood of angry emails, assorted emails to your university for "copyright violation" (which breaking the GPL technically is, and which freaks out your average bureaucrat like nothing else can) and strongly-worded emails from FSF lawyers. I take...
  9. C

    Gph != Gpl?

    OK, I'm not mad at you specifically, I'm mad at people (like quite a few at slashdot) whom have never programmed anything in their lives and just get a kick out of jumping at anyone who doesn't follow the GPL to the letter. I've seen companies violate the GPL, but I've also seen other companies...
  10. C

    Gph != Gpl?

    OK, so I made an incorrect assumption. You still haven't said why you didn't release under the GPL to begin with. You want to see some of my GPL code? Try here. I'm the author of the original floppy controller code in Hard real-time code that hits the hardware directly, accessing...
  11. C

    Gph != Gpl?

    If you're such a proponent of the GPL, why didn't you release your games under the GPL to begin with? Oh, I know... you haven't actually released anything yet have you? You're nothing but a GPL zealot, I don't know why I'm wasting my time talking to you. Is that the best you can do? Since...
  12. C

    Gph != Gpl?

    If that happens, these idiots just move somewhere else and get on their soapbox about the evils of closed source and how Microsoft is using their illegal monopoly to push companies away from OSS.
  13. C

    Gph != Gpl?

    Puck2099 and Timofonic are your basic "stick it to the man" types, I mean look at this: GPH is a corporation that sells a product!!! OMFG! teh 3vil!!! Give me a break. Newsflash kiddies, we're not living in a Gibson novel. Yes, some corporations are evil, but not all of them. GPH is...
  14. C


    Damizean, I just thought you'd like to know that it's exactly guys like you that have made 100% certain I will never *ever* release anything under the GPL. I don't have anything against the license per se, but I'm pretty certain that I will have several hundred lawyer-wannabes looking through...
  15. C

    News Regarding Firmware Update

    Currently the environment is just perfect for trolls to show up and have a ton of fun at our expense. People are excitable, and the delays have caused some to question the wisdom of pre-paying (plus, I'd be willing to bet there's the odd PSP/DS/whatever fanboy adding misinformation to "help"...
  16. C

    New Gamepark-site Online

    Do they mention anything about when those fixes are going to be made to the English version of the firmware? (or is there only one version?)
  17. C

    Other News On Korean Site

    I can't believe no-one else noticed this. Let me spell it out: The red LED is controlled by software! This means that you can have a status indicator light for debugging, drive light emulation for Frodo and UAE, etc etc etc.
  18. C

    Linux 2.4 Vs 2.6 On The Gp2x

    Does anyone know if 2.4 binary-only drivers are compatible with 2.6 kernels? if not, then upgrading your kernel means losing hardware-accelerated decoding for media files. One thing that 2.6 has over 2.4 that should benefit the gp2x is the process scheduler (the part of the OS that's always...
  19. C

    What Are The Odds Of...

    I think he meant "technically advanced". Artistically, the graphics were pretty damn good for their time and still look great.
  20. C

    2 Weeks After Everyone Get Their Gp2x's

    No, it sortof makes sense, for the same reason Apple went from 68K to PowerPC. 68K is not a cpu that anyone making a new desktop system would take seriously nowadays. If they're hoping to take the amiga back up to the level where it can even compete with something like Apple, not looking like...