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  1. Z

    Rlyeh Has Lost His Suitcase

    Here are some photos of the conference rlyeh has given on the BCNParty (where he returned from).. about the GP2X. Some interesting shell projected screenshots, mixed with some rlyeh scary photos. Go to "Conferencia Oankali" folder for conference...
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    Ericsson Chatboard From Gp32 To Gp2x

    USB Keyboard + Mouse + WiFi adaptor + TV-out cable... IRC on your GP2X! Anyway, I want to have this: (click to see image) (pic posted by Esp3tek in gp32spain)
  3. Z

    Will Emus On The Gp2x Support Save-state?

    No, they aren't (yet). But this one IS: (from rlyeh's site, i think nobody noticed it..) Same source code, just recompiling does it.. GP2X? port HPL to GP2X and you'r done.
  4. Z

    Two New Videos From Gp32spain

    Spain is different.. if you could understand Spanish, you would get shocked with GP32spain forums, there's always humour, and as we say it, "buen rollito", with a constant Hacapulco dialect in the background (you won't understand what is it until you read it).. Back to the GP2X, I already...
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    New Gp2x Photos

    Some pics more:
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    New Gp2x Photos

    No words.. just take a look at them..
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    Sdk Released

    And why would GPH tell someone to go to a fake document? This looks real, and I'm sure it's real, but they won't tell us.. Maybe the docs weren't intended to be released.. but GPH wants to do it and assume the consequences from MagicEyes.. Or maybe it's a mad plan to attract consumers...
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    GP2X Development Information For Gp2x Not Available?

    I posted this on General GP2X (i didn't know this subforum existed..) but anyway, here's some technical, in-depth information accidentaly (or not) released by GPH..
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    Question About Tv-out

    The TV-Out chip is a Conexant CX25874 who has got True international support for NTSC, PAL and SECAM output HDTV output capability Adaptive flicker filtering Supports resolutions 320 x 200 to 1024 x 768 Software forward capability with the CX25870 and CX25871 Programmable overscan ratios from 0%...
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    Sdk Released

    Well, is working for me, but anyway, the files have been mirrored @ gp32spain public ftp. (and probably somewhere else soon). Access at: FTP: User: Password: publico Path: /Programacion/GP2X
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    Sdk Released

    All the download links are working for me, however I'm going to upload it to GP32spain Public FTP or somewhere else.. anyway here are direct links from the Seplus server (it looks they can be accessed without logging in)
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    Sdk Released

    Well, just a note, I don't know if this is really the SDK, I saw it at GP32spain forums, but as it contains some interesting docs (that I haven't seen anywhere) I posted it here. And, a first look to the Gplayer code reveals that they've used Men in Black 2 trailer to test it :blink: //...
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    Sdk Released

    Look at this response to Puck2099: If you login there (My project check option) you can download some specs, the Gplayer (port of Mplayer) source code, an arm-tools.tar.gz and interesting things..
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    GP32 Gp32 Coding Languages?

    Well, only using the first CPU, it gives MORE CPU power (some Mhz's more)
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    Well, a WiFi-compatible adapter for the EXT port freely accessible from Linux would be great.. add a chatboard and you'll be able to.. chat on IRC with your GP2X!
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    F - Day ????

    You wanted rlyeh emulators? Here they are, some F-day Rlyeh emulators. I say Rlyeh emulators and not emulators from Rlyeh, because they aren't made by Rlyeh, but EMULATE rlyeh. :D :D :D
  17. Z

    Where Will You Buy Your Gpx2?

    I bought my NLU on Neotronics, a local shop who does sell by the internet too. If they don't get the GP2X, I'll go Hardcore-Gamer. I may go to Barcelona on christmas, so I may get it from the "physical" shop.
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    Gpx2's New Name Is Gp2x

    Well, at least they didn't choose the "Gpolla" (polla = penis, dick, cock, or whathever you say it in English, with a vulgar meaning)
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    Gpx2's New Name Is Gp2x

    Well, there were some names posted by Spanish people @gp32spain that were very good.
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    Gpx2's New Name Is Gp2x

    It isn't official yet, but is already registered, and... have you noticed the signature of Craigx now says ??? Well, I hope they will give at least a gp2x to the 13 owners of the 13 final names..