Just noticed that Crash Tag Team Racing for the psp is out in the uk in 9 days. was just wondering if anyone knows what firmware version its going to be in the u.k or what firmware version it uses in canada (for importing) i've updated to 2.00 manually so i can run GTA:LCS so thats not really an...
i agree with angel. as much as i want a ps3 i dont think i'll buy one but things can change and hopefully they'll realise that this thing just wont work. i'm sure there'll still be the hardcore playstation people that will buy one but i think i'll just put the money into upgrading my pc if this...
should be illegal for them to lock it and its gotta be illegal for some little git chargin £20 for a code to put into your phone to make it so that u can use the sim card that you've already got instead of using there disgraceful network (3g)
I need a carrycase for my psp + games and charger, pda & mp3 player (nomad jukebox)
what do you recommended, i'm currently using a next bag lol but would prefer something with a little more protection.
i've looked on google and apparently you enter a code into it but it says i have to pay for them (which i really dont want to do) pleeeeeeeeeeease help :-)
oh crap not liking the sound of that. has anyone else had this problem?
how did u update the game? did u use the umd to update or did u use a 2.00 eboot and do it yourself?
yeah i had that problem when i upgraded the other week i just pressed a few buttons and it started updating lol
i think i'll do a factory reset tonight tho before i update to 2.00 for GTA. Cant friggin wait :-D especially if that xlink has a few people on it.
just got the game this morning put cant play it yet as im at work so cant update till i get home to 2.00. noticed that it says that its only multiplayer with ad-hoc! so its not online multiplayer then? its just if u find some1 else with a copy then u play against them? THAT SUCKS!!
yeah i was wondering how they'd handle the controls without the R2 & L2 i know the right analog's not really that important cuz that only changes the view, cant remember what the R2 & L2 did.
Please Mr postman if your read these boards shift your ass and get it delivered lol
picked it up last night :-D love it
if i bought this http://www.pdamods.com/proddetail.asp?prod=A11CRXDLX50MNT
would it come with all the map software on it then i just install the extra stuff (traffic camera's etc) from pocketgps onto it or will i have to purchase the maps separately?
I'm not getting all together because i'm only getting the gps stuff off father christmas :-) thats why i didnt get one off ebay + would rather buy new than off ebay, too many dodgey nigerians.
picking it up tonight after they cocked up with the delivery yesterday (amtrak = morons)
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