i'll have a look in the box when i get home and see if theres on there.
does it look like this?
this is my graphics card (copied from my dabs order form)
Sapphire Technology Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB DDR AGP RP DVI VO
all the latter letters i dont have...
I've just got a radeon 9800 pro and its got an s-video port on it, is this how i see my pc on my tele? i'm not bothered about the quality of it just need to know what software i'd need installed for it all to show up on my t.v
cheers for any info
i've not got an s-video port on my...
when i try playing metal slug on the psp it comes up with
fatal error: could not load NEOCD.BIN#
please help
just copied over the neocdbios and now its saying that it
"could not open IPL.txt!
ERRROR: Error while processing IPL.txt#
i've just put my non flu gp32 on ebay now
i'll be putting my own pics on the advert when i get in.
i dont know what specs are good for a projector thats why i didnt put any sorry, i've been lookin around since i put that and there is a wider choice than i 1st thought.
ignore my previous request cheers
would this work as the monitor http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/15-INCH-TFT-FLATSCRE...1QQcmdZViewItem?
and this for the OHP
yeah i double checked b4 i ordered and it definately said £14.99 or i'd have ordered the pc version instead. the cheeky fuckers. i aint payin the £30. the old false advertisement thing should get them to change there price for me.
they cant do that. (i've ordered to this morning :-)
if they've made a mistake they've still got to sell it to us for the price that we bought it at.
Just checked my confirmation email and its said that i've been charged the £29.99!
I've just emailed them now, i'll let you know what...
ok so i need to buy:
15" TFT monitor with phono input (cuz i aint using my current sony one lol)
Overhead projector
Cooling Fan (for monitor screen)
does the OHP need to have anything special on it? i'm guessing that all it will need is to be able to accomadate the tft screen (15")
ok so i've just downloaded a video and it says all i need is a lcd flatscreen, overhead projector & a fan. it all works fine but i'm just wondering how i would get the image from my playstation 2 or my sky or my dvd player to play thru the lcd onto the OHP? looks easy enough from the video (from...
so if i do this i'd be able see my ps2 games on the wall instead of on the t.v? if not what will i need to change so that i will work with my playstation 2?
cheers for the link
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