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  1. C

    New M.a.m.e High Score Thread

    wow, really? also, you don't work do you?
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    Hey Franxis, Would This Be Possible?

    i was just thinking...
  3. C

    Addon Keyboard Anyone?!

    oh sh*t, i thought it said "abandon" instead of "addon".
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    this design rocks so much harder!
  5. C

    Pandora's Design

    couple of let downs for me: *clamshell. *no way to play verticals comfortably. *keyboard doesn't belong on a gaming device imo. (my bad i guess, i thought it was intended to be one) let's see what happens...
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    Vectrex Emulation?

  7. C

    Which Dpad Mod?

    :gp2x catchin' dust for mooooonths already due to MAJOR fed-up-ness with the ever so enjoyable joystick... so... yesterday i gave it one more try... the stick has got to go FOR SURE! i tried looking into dpad mods but can't decide or figure out which route to take. i am a total mod newb, so...
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    Our New Machine, Pandora

    still no pic.... :blink:
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    Our New Machine, Pandora

    phone??? count me out!!!
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    Our New Machine, Pandora

    it's not gonna be white right?
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    Our New Machine, Pandora

    @ fatblueduck.... go suck my mother's dick.
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    Our New Machine, Pandora

    PLEASE don't try and be all creative, inventive and sh*t when it comes to the controls. PLEASE just go for something that has proven to work.
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    Our New Machine, Pandora

    build the whole thing vertical.
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    Our New Machine, Pandora

    a cradle type mini cabinet that holds the new machine? i want.
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    Our New Machine, Pandora

    yeah i'd like it suitable for vertical games too, like real comfortable.
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    Our New Machine, Pandora

    probably requested like a zillion times already, but if it doesn't have a quality d-pad and some quality buttons you can count me out! well... just make it one-mean-mame-machine.
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    Tell Us Your Childhood Game Stories

    i remember the frustration before i had a floppy drive, waiting half an hour for a game to load into my c-64, only to get a LOAD ERROR 5 out of 10 times. i also remember ordering the c-64 version of "bomb jack" after seeing it in "computer + video games", waiting weeks for it to arrive, only to...