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    Mencoder Help

    For the resolution, does not it depends on the film you want to encode?! ;) Prefer Divx 4.12 22.050 khz stereo 40 kbps 18 fps Max 128 kbps video
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    Smashgp 0.3

    Excellent work mat. ;) The last version of Sonic doesn't work properly (palet problem)...
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    Favourite Vectrex Games

    My BLU is "only" 166 Mhz capable, not 168 Mhz, I have Slub's fw and yet it runs on my GP.
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    Doom 1 And 2 On Gp32

    No, only IWADs and PWADs work on GP32.
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    How To Make Doom Wads

    Yes entry editing is about sound and gfx that you can extract and modify with a graphic editor. :)
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    Gpengine The Official Word - Anyone Know?

    How can this be possible that PCE emulation requires 525 Mhz to be full speed on PPC whereas it's smooth on a 16.7 Mhz GBA and full speed with fs0 at 166 Mhz on GP32? There are so many ways to optimize code. :)
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    How Advanced Is Mame?

    fMAME32 forum
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    How To Make Doom Wads

    tekt5 > Doom Builder for map editing and Wintex for entry editing. ;) You can find them on my site. :)
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    Gp32 Win Ce

    It works very well but yes it's limited and for legal reasons, it won't be released. So please don't ask for download.
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    Small Amount Of Help Required

    For the last time : Divx and Xvid have a similar quality. First encode a video in Xvid, then look at his video bitrate and make the same one but in Divx with THE SAME VIDEO BITRATE and you'll have the same quality. But XVID is limited in his use because if you don't encode in 320x176, 320x224...
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    Help Wanted

    Keep pressing select when you turn your GP32 on.
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    Pc To Gp32 Not Working After Sp2 Update...

    yaustar > I never encountered ANY compatibility problem with SP2 (I know there are some but I should be lucky). :)
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    Don't worry, he downloaded it on my site, so it won't freeze and it's patched for better weapon looking. :)
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    Pc To Gp32 Not Working After Sp2 Update...

    I have Win Xp with SP2 and my GP32 is still well recognized. Anyway buy a smc reader (about 10 euros), it's far better, fast and convenient. ;)
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    Small Amount Of Help Required

    Divx is better I think.
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    GP32 List Of Developers

    Jr2swiss > "Karthur" is written twice next to each other...
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    Monkey Island

    coevin > I think you don't have the last 0.3 version of GPScumm. Take mine that is the last 0.3 version that has not this problem (the 0.3 is the best because every game is fast whereas the 0.5 is unplayable with some of them). :) scumm03.fxe
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    Cheap Zodiac 2

    It's about 450 euros for european people... :unsure: Is what you call "cheap"? :blink:
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    Monkey Island

    Get another Monkey version, some have a short game id (<8 car.), so the game save doesn't crash. :) Or you still can hexedit your fxe... :rolleyes: