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  1. F

    N64 emulation MIPS32R2 Dynarec

    What would make it more "maintainable"?
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    N64 emulation MIPS32R2 Dynarec

    Guys he was being facetious . I made a typo on the thread topic; there is no N46 ... :P
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    N64 emulation MIPS32R2 Dynarec

    Hi Guys, Was just wondering if any of you l377 dynarec devs out there with spare time/motivation wouldnt mind contributing to creating a MIPS32R2 dynarec branch for Mupen64plus: Mupen64plus googlegroups :!topic/mupen64plus/kIlJdNEPlPI Any/all help is...
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    N64 Development Kit Manual (pdf)

    Just realized that myself... thanks. I went straight to the table of contents and missed the NDA XD
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    N64 Development Kit Manual (pdf)

    Hi Guys, Was navigating through the interwebs when I stumbled across this. Maybe it will help some one wanting to understand the n64 architecture or maybe just serve as some light/fun reading for the technically inclined. Either way thought I'd commit it to posterity here instead of running the...
  6. F

    Can Pandora's OS be ported to the Samsung 7580?

    Mods please feel free to move this post to a more appropriate location if it is felt to detract from the true intent of this sub-forum. Doing a cat /proc/cpuinfo on the GT-S7580 produces a Hardware : hawaii_ss_kylepro rev0000. This(hawaii) apparently corresponds to the BCM21664/T CPU and not...
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    Can Pandora's OS be ported to the Samsung 7580?

    Does this imply that upstream linux has 3d support for this soc? :
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    Can Pandora's OS be ported to the Samsung 7580?

    so x86 -- > Arm v7? Do I cross compile the vanilla upstream linux kernel or can I use something else? Like this? K thnx but do i have to use their kernel?
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    Can Pandora's OS be ported to the Samsung 7580?

    Why not? Sorry a noobie here...
  10. F

    Can Pandora's OS be ported to the Samsung 7580?

    Hi guys, Can the pandora's Angstrom OS be ported to the samsung 7580 smartphone to run as a primary OS? The reason I ask is that it seems to be a souped up pandora(dual core a9 w/ linux "friendly" broadcom videocore 4 gpu) so would be nice to be able to use it as a gaming handheld via usb...