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  1. jmetal88

    Snes Performance: Wiz Vs. Psp

    The funny thing is, all those systems are pretty awesome on the GP32 even. :lol: Honestly, I've been a little disappointed in my Wiz. I'm going to hold onto it in hopes that some of the programs get further developed, but so far for my uses (with the exception of SNES), my GP32 performs just...
  2. jmetal88

    GP32 Updating Openjazz (Again)

    I wonder if it would help to port more recent SDL source to the GP32. Hmm. I have no idea where I'd start there, though.
  3. jmetal88

    GP32 Updating Openjazz (Again)

    Looks like I'm getting no help with this, from either Slaanesh or Alister. It's frustrating, 'cause I have the game playing really well, but palette shifting simply doesn't work, and I can't get the sound effects to play, either. It'd be nice if I could get the music to play, too, but I know I...
  4. jmetal88

    GP32 Updating Openjazz (Again)

    Eh, I worked on it a little more. I got the Jazz sprite showing up, finally, but I can't figure out how to get the non-white menu text to show up. Also, Jazz is supposed to flash red when he gets hurt, but instead he flashes white. I'm thinking that's probably the same problem as with the red...
  5. jmetal88

    GP32 Updating Openjazz (Again)

    So, I was pretty happy with myself earlier today when I finally got a toolchain put together that does C++ SDL on the GP32 properly. :D But now, I'm trying to port OpenJazz, and I'm running into some interesting problems. The code itself compiles without warnings or errors, and the game runs...
  6. jmetal88

    GP32 Problem Compiling Slaanesh's Opentyrian Code

    Aha! I got OpenJazz compiled and running by using DevkitARM r13 with the SDL++ archive from GP32Spain. What sucks is I can't figure out how to map controls (no matter what I try, button A is mapped to escape, and nothing else is mapped at all), and the Jazz sprite is completely white. I'm...
  7. jmetal88

    Any Devs With Free Time? Opensnes9Xgp Needs Fixed.

    That sucks, dude. :( It's for similar situations that I want to keep a spare parts unit around for myself... You should keep an eye out on ebay, though. GP32s don't show up too often, but both of my current units (FLUs) I found within the past couple of years for around $30 apiece.
  8. jmetal88

    Any Devs With Free Time? Opensnes9Xgp Needs Fixed.

    I guess the GP32x mods don't think that finally releasing OpenSNES9xGP with SRAM loading is news-worthy. <_< Oh well, at least it didn't take too much effort, excluding finding and setting up ARM ADS.
  9. jmetal88


    Eh, I guess for now I'll just play the SMS version of Sonic Chaos. I guess it's not really 'inferior', it just does some things differently. Higher resolution but fewer colors, less voices in the music, little bit more slow-down in areas with lots of sprites, etc.
  10. jmetal88

    Drsms V2 Released

    A Wiz port would be great, too! We are seriously missing good Game Gear support on the Wiz. GP32 would also be neat, but we still have fSMS32 on there for the time being. :)
  11. jmetal88

    Drpocketsnes Screen Tearing

    So, I was wondering, is anyone looking into fixing the screen tearing issues in DrPocketSNES? I had thought about trying to fix it myself, but after taking a look at the source, I think it's beyond my current ability as a programmer. I found where it calls the Wiz's built in framebuffer...
  12. jmetal88

    Any Devs With Free Time? Opensnes9Xgp Needs Fixed.

    Haha, I don't think you'd get your money's worth out of getting me a Caanoo. I'm not a 'real' coder, all I've done so far is correct some simple mistakes in other people's code that were overlooked for some reason.
  13. jmetal88

    Any Devs With Free Time? Opensnes9Xgp Needs Fixed.

    Why not? Somebody has to support the poor old GP32. I don't have a Caanoo. I did update OpenJazz for the Wiz recently, though.
  14. jmetal88


    If anyone wants the new binary, send me a PM. I thought about putting together a release, but now that it's running, I find the emulator to be extremely unimpressive. It's too bad rlyeh decided to fade into the background, or we might have been able to convince him to port fSMS32 over from the...
  15. jmetal88


    Actually, nevermind, I don't think it is using the official SDK. Hmm, I recompiled it with Open2X, with that line commented out. It doesn't freeze on ROM selection anymore, but now it freezes after you start the game. EDIT: Actually, it's not freezing, it's just stopping at a black screen for...
  16. jmetal88


    Yup, the menu sets the clock speed to 120mhz. I'm just going to try commenting out the line so the clock speed doesn't change, and hope that helps. Right now, I'm waiting on the SDK to download. I have the OpenWiz SDK installed already, but the Makefile for this clearly references the official...
  17. jmetal88


    Alright, I found the source on GP32Spain. I'll be looking through it shortly.
  18. jmetal88


    So, I'm having this deal happen where AlexKidd2X freezes on the rom selection screen on my Wiz. I'm thinking it's the same deal as with DrPocketSNES, in that it's underclocking and my ThinkGeek Wiz can't handle it. Does anyone know where the source code is so somebody (maybe even me) can try...
  19. jmetal88

    Any Devs With Free Time? Opensnes9Xgp Needs Fixed.

    Well guys, I figured it out myself. The line that loaded SRAM files was simply commented out! I've uploaded the fixed binary to my site here:"][/URL] I have a post in the news section pending. EDIT: .CO.CC domains apparently...
  20. jmetal88

    New Opensnes9Xgp Binary

    This is one I think should have happened a long time ago. I've fixed SRAM saves on OpenSNES9xGP for the GP32! I was just recently able to get the Reesy modified code for the emulator compiling on my PC, and as I was looking through the source, lo and behold the line that loads SRAM files when...