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  1. J

    Best Custom OS for Pandora in Regards to Gaming?

    Wait, so I just used that USB Image Tool to I believe extract the 4.3 GB IMZ file, and I put the SD card in my Pandora and am unsure what to do next. It says that was all I was supposed to do. (I have a feeling there's more) (This is for the windows tutorial)
  2. J

    4 Ways to install Pandora Slackware(Windows/Linux/Zaxxon)

    Hi, I apologize for bumping this, but I followed the directions, and am not sure what to do next. I just (I assume) extracted the 4.3 GB IMZ file with that program listed on the first page. Now what?
  3. J

    Best Custom OS for Pandora in Regards to Gaming?

    Damn that sucks about the 16GB card. I use that for all my Roms.., And thanks, Askarus.
  4. J

    Best Custom OS for Pandora in Regards to Gaming?

    So, I assume it will work, even though they're two totally different files? (The IMZ file, I mean) Oh and that's all I need to do? I don't need to do anything from the link you showed me? (the one with like 25 steps)
  5. J

    Best Custom OS for Pandora in Regards to Gaming?

    I got it it from here: Second link on that page.
  6. J

    Best Custom OS for Pandora in Regards to Gaming?

    Hey I actually went ahead and read the windows tutorial instead, and it looks MUCH less confusing. But it says it's only been tested on a 16gb card. Do you think I need my 16GB card (currently being used for something else) or can I use the 8GB card (not being used) Thanks! P,S: The .imz file...
  7. J

    Best Custom OS for Pandora in Regards to Gaming?

    Hey I'm downloading the os now (the roofs) but I was confused on a part in tutorial. 1. Do I NEED Gparted if I'm doing this from windows? 2. It says I need an 8G sd card, I assume that means 1GB, right? Or did it actually mean 8GB? (I'll have more questions in a bit, so please bear with me)
  8. J

    Best Custom OS for Pandora in Regards to Gaming?

    Thanks for the speedy reply! I'll look into slackware. Have you personally used it? Thanks again!
  9. J

    Best Custom OS for Pandora in Regards to Gaming?

    Hey, I was looking at and I noticed that quite a few OS have been ported. This is where my question comes into place: 1. What's the most solid OS available for Pandora (besides Android) 2. Can that engine run a Quake 3 port? (I see Debian has a port...
  10. J

    LoZ OOT Hack Not working...

    Hey I was playing a hack of Zelda OOT for the n64, (Called Zelda's Birthday) and it works... until you exit the house. I was wondering if I needed to change some settings for it to function correctly? I really want this to work, and it doesn't even boot on PSP, so I guess it's one of those...
  11. J

    Application failed to run

    Alriight, thanks for the info. I'm still in need of help regarding the corruption issue. Is there a certain way to do it without formatting or erasing any data?
  12. J

    Application failed to run

    How would I go about repairing the card? I know some of them are corrputed because when I tried to copy and paste a file from my Pandora, it said it can't copy it because the file itself is corrupt :/ Is there any way to fix this. It DID screw up my 3ds game I purchased through the eshop and I...
  13. J

    Application failed to run

    I found out what it was. Like half of my files on the Pandora are corrupted. I know this because when I tried to copy over one, it told me so. After I formatted and inserted another SD card, I didn't have the problem anymore. I just hope it didn't affect my 3DS game or my NDS Roms (since they...
  14. J

    Application failed to run

    I have tried rebooting and it's all of my PND's. None of them will run. :/
  15. J

    Application failed to run

    Hi, I've been using my pandora for over a year now, no major issues. However, I came across one this morning, this is what it says: "Mounting the PND failed. The application won't start" I looked in that .out file and it's beyond me what it means. I'll attach it if anyone needs it. P.S: My...
  16. J

    How do you enable the console in Quake 3?

    I think you need to fix it, then recompile the engine. Also, do custom mods work? I tried Open Arena but it crashed :/ Oh but custom maps work, except the simpsons map is too big...
  17. J

    How do you enable the console in Quake 3?

    Wait, can you use console commands? I knew about the FN+H key, but it says tty console mode failed. I looked that up, and it appears to be a build issue :/ If you can type things in your console, I must be doing something wrong...
  18. J

    How to swap analog sticks in Quake 3

    Hi, is there a program that will virtually swap the analog sticks? If so, What's it called and how do I do it? I wanted to play quake 3, but the analog stick that is used is too close to the Buttons that move the player... Oh, and if I can do it inside Quake 3's console, that would be awesome...
  19. J

    Failed to load kernel issue

    Hey, I googled this issue multiple times, but didn't see the fix anywhere... How do I reflash the firmware? Do I need to re-download it or something? Thanks! P.S: I'm using SuperZaxxon 1.5