I've installed the atari st emulator on my sd card here's the directory structure outcast folder/roms my roms are in this directory with .gpe file is my 1.02 bios file.
That thread was for doom games not for ffdoom.
In doom games if you want to play doom 2 it's doom2.gpe and for ffdoom it's ffdoom2.gpe so it's not the same you are making a big mistake saying that i'm posting the same question that was for doom games not for final fantasy doom next time think...
I've installed the ultimate doom wad and renamed it, yes it works perfect thanks for the help.
How do i work doom 2,plutonia,tnt wads it keeps on playing the ultimate doom.
When you put on the psx emulator it's on the frameskip default setting is 1/2 which is bit slower, i will give one example i tried street fighter collcetion 2 it runs on good speed 266mhz clock speed and 17/18 frameskip.
There's 2 frameskip which are good 0/1,17/18 the, 0/1 gives you good speed...
never use frameskip 0/1 frameskip or more the graphics look really bad with loads of line all over the screen, the clock speed shpuld be atleast 250 or 266mhz and ram tweaks on these are the best settings for the psx emulator
I di read te readme it said need tos 1.02 i did google and found one tos file which was 1.00 and not 1.02 looks like how have to do harder search, can someone pm me the the tos file.
I need some help on the wallpaper facility, the images it accepts are 320 x 240 the images i've got are bigger than this is there any way to fit big sized images to fit on the screen they go off scale.
I'm having problem with atari st emulator it doesn't load roms it keeps on saying no disks were selected-using defaults then when i press x button it gives me another problem it says no tos.rom file not found-run will fail i've installed the tos file in the rom folder, any help will do.
Sengoku 2 works perfect in mame emulator it's full speed and sengoku 3 works in gngeo2x beta version, it's really disappointing that sengoku 2 doesn't work in the new neo geo emulator but sengoku 2 works in the old neo geo emulator.
This can be one of the best emulator on the gp2x, it's so amazing it plays cps1,cps2,mame,neo geo all in one emulator that 4 arcade systems it will be even better when we get sega games working on it no emulator has played so many top arcade games, well done headoverheels.
I tried it with gp2x menu and gmenu2x it's same for both doesn't make any difference.
The usb sd and usb nand i try to connect to the pc with them do they work for gp2x f-200.
fba2x isn't good as neo geo mvs emulator, fba 2x can't play all the neo games and neo emulator has better features here is the difference below:
1)Neo geo emulator goes back to rom list and fba2x can't do that.
2)neo geo emulator is making use dual core and fba2x isn't
3)neo geo emulator...
No manjuu you are not being harsh a person like blah he insulted me swearing using words like fucking well he doesn't need to swear which isn't good at all not on the forums, if i ever post a question i don't want blah to responds to them.
Asking for help is not a crime he used really horrible...
I connected to the tv i'm getting half screen of the game on the left side is the game and on the right side it is black screen why is this happening so did you check if it's displaying right on tv or projector.
I'm sorry i nearly broke the forum rules.
The neo geo emulator won't play sengoku 2 if you want to play this game it works on mame emulator, i tried it on fba2x it doesn't work.
Yes sengoku is an tricky game to work the website you downloded it from it'a an different rom set which the neo geo emulator doesn't accept, you need to try a different website to get the right rom site.
Sengoku 3 does work, it works for me.
Which website did you get the rom from? <-- Don`t...
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