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  1. C

    Genesis Wonderboy

    AAAAHA!! I have monster world working! With the rom 'Wonder Boy in Monster World (UE) [f1].bin' Not sure how this would differ to the regular rom, seems the same so far!
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    Genesis Wonderboy

    Didn't realise there was a mame version of monster world, monter land for sure... can you tell me the name of the roms set?
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    Drmdx And Sonic 2

    well, when on land the only visible presence of water are the graphical 'waves' on it's surface. when submereged in the water, the 'waves' are visible and the entire screen (including that above water) is given a colored overlay the same as the water should be.
  4. C

    Genesis Wonderboy

    I was so looking forward to playing this, however no rom I have seems to work for this game in drmdx. Some dont go further than the Loading Rom... message, while others make it as far as the title screen then crash on pressing start... any one got this game working?
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    Drmdx And Sonic 2

    thanks very much. At least it's still completely playable! Wish i could get Wonderboy In Monster World to start too, but it just freezes at the title
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    Drmdx And Sonic 2

    Hi Started using my 2x yesterday. Fantastic. I decided to crank it up with drmdx as it seems to be notched as the current best, most complete emu for the 2x. I was playing Sonic 2, and noticed that the water was not rendering properly, is this a common problem, or am I doing something wrong...
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    I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

    One Gp2x in the bag. So much nicer than I expected, and I expected it to be nice. Real nice. Time for some MAME action...
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    Hi Anyone tried gp2xpectrum out yet? How does it compare to fuse?
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    Clrmame Issues...

    mini version, do you mean the newnova site, because i found nothing... not that i was lookin ;)
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    Clrmame Issues...

    Hi Just converted a 1.02 set over to 0.34 so i can play on my 2x, however, i noticed that some of the roms listed in the compatible game list did not convert and have a red X next to their name. Do i need to source the roms out from somewhere wlse or is this another problem? thanks
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    Gp2x Video Encoding

    thanks, apreciate it. Everything looking/working great now. :D
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    Rick Dangerous

    I feel this is an excellent point, and one i have thought about myself (despite not having the unit myself yet). From what I have read hitting diagonals on 'the stick' is too easy, i'm guessing this affects platform style games such as Rick Dangerous the most by making you jump when you really...
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    Gp2x Video Encoding

    do you mean encode at 125. or 135, as in the calculation? thanks for the quick answer!
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    Gp2x Video Encoding

    Hi Im trying to get some movies ready for when I get my 2x, however Im having a little trouble. I'm encoding the movies no problem, however I cant maintain the right size. For example I have a movie the has dimensions 720x304, which obviously does not scale down to 320x240 without being...
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    Mame, Converting?

    Well I haven't been on these forums long, and I'm not sure how much people read each forum, so, in order to get an accurate answer for this question I thought I'd try multiple places. Do you have an answer?
  16. C

    Mame, Converting?

    Hi Hard as I look, and the more cunfused I get, I can't seem to find a definitive guide to converting MAME roms so they are playable on the 2x. I have set 0.102, and need some help. Real simple help. Thanks
  17. C

    Converting, How To?

    Hi Looking forward to cranking out some mame classics whe my 2x arrives, however, im getting real confused with all this. Mainly I need a definitive guide on how to convert my mame roms (0.102 set) in order to play them on the 2x. Can any one offer a simple solution on how this is done? Thanks
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    Video Nasties?

    Suck in what way, and tweak to what? Any one else experience this... sucking?
  19. C

    Video Nasties?

    Hi Still awaiting delivery, but still got some questions to ask. I know this info is all over the place, but.. well... it's all over the place, and I know other people would like a bit of a run down. I'm particularly looking forward to using my 2x for viewing videos, So, I was wondering if...
  20. C

    Gp2x Spectrum

    Ack!! My bad, must have missed that one! Thanks.