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  1. C

    Snes Bin To Smc

    really? cool. I thought this was the case, although in trying this i find my file names keep switching back to .bin after a couple of seconds... Any thoughts?
  2. C

    Snes Bin To Smc

    Any one know how to convert snes bin format roms to smc format? thanks!
  3. C

    Battery Life

    These ones?
  4. C

    Battery Life

    Yesterday I got an hour. WTF. 1 Stinkin hour. AM I doing something wrong?!
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    Battery Life

    Hi So im using Uniross 2500mAh Mi-MH batteries, brand new, i've been overclocking to 250 and just playing squidgesnes. Before I say how much battery life i'm getting, what should I expect to be getting? And what way can i can prolonge the life? cheers
  6. C

    Unofcial Firmware 1.4.0 Release

    so what the heck happened to firmware 1.3?
  7. C

    Up Switching

    I agree Squidge. Speed and general compatibility is way more important than putting in options to tackle the 2x's hardware short comings, which is why I wondered whether it was something easy to do.
  8. C

    Up Switching

    Spot on. You're right, how do i move it, or can someone else do that. Sorry, over zealous posting.
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    Up Switching

    Hi This has been mentioned previously, but as part of non specific threads. So, here's a specific one. When playing some older games on older system emus (gpxpecturm, vice2x etc) we are emulating a joystick, usually on the 2x's stick. Now we know there are problems with the over-ease of...
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    Video Sync Stink

    how about on 1.2.1?
  11. C


    is there a way to define keys to buttons? Only i'd like to define my 'up' in some games to a button instead of a joystick direction to solve the diagonal jumping issue
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    Video Sync Stink

    Hi I'm having the classic video/audio sync problem with my files. Was there ever a solution to this? Or are we hanging in there for a firmware solution?
  13. C

    Duke 3d

    basically, i can see how to do it in the cfg file, but I'm not sure which 2x button = which command? any clues?
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    Duke 3d

    Hi Can anyone fill me in on how to change the control settings for duke3d, in detail. thanks! so glad i got this working!!!
  15. C

    Snes Transparencies

    oh i'll wait, no... i cant... agggghhhh. seriously, i can wait because it's worth it, and im amazed and awed by the great work that's going on with these emulators. I just wanted to have a go at something myself.
  16. C

    Duke Nukem 3d

    Oh happy day. I just got this working. One question, the controls, I know we can change em in the duke3d.cfg file, however, it's a little confusing. Any one got some kind of guide as to what maps to what and how we can adjust this accordingly? Thanks
  17. C

    Snes Transparencies

    Hi I was reading this and it was interesting. It made me wonder about the methods of physically removing lines from graphics that are supposed to be transparent to create this faux tranparent effect. That would allow you to leave...
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    Rom Abbreviations

    it's written in that list/document ;)
  19. C

    Rom Abbreviations

    i think it's pretty clear, but there are a few things. Like, what is a 'bad dump' 'over dump' 'fixed' etc, that are rom specific terms that people may not be aware of. However, if you take a look at the lower section these are explained. Overall the list is great, exactly what i wanted! thanks...
  20. C

    Rom Abbreviations

    Hi I have many a full rom set, but one thing that has always confused me is the amount of abbreviations attached to rom file names, eg [!], (W), (REV 00) etc etc. Any one know a source for finding out what they all mean?