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  1. C

    Release Pandora Clock - Release

    I'd love to see a battery indicator on here. I'd rather not have to flip out of full screen to check, especially in the middle of the night when my eyes are adjusted to the dark. Also, I would love it if I could use the triggers to toggle sleep mode, as those are much easier to find in a dark...
  2. C

    Release [Upcoming] Pandora Clock

    Hmmm, just rebooted my Pandora, and now it works...go figure! Thanks for the cool new feature! *Edit* Seems to be not working again...worked for a while, then disappeared and won't come back.
  3. C

    Release [Upcoming] Pandora Clock

    Just downloaded latest, but nothing happens when I press "R". Internet is on... *Edit* I also tried deleting the appdata, but it didn't work.
  4. C

    USB Hub Power Draw

    I have a 7-Port USB Hub that I've been using to connect things like keyboards, mice, and controllers to my Pandora. It came with an AC adapter, but it works fine without...however, it draws quite a bit of power (I get *edit* about 2/3 *edit* of the battery life when it is plugged in). If I...
  5. C

    Pandora with microSD - will you buy it?

    Also, when a Micro SD adapter is in use, it adds nothing extra that needs to be carried around. Without a standard SD slot, a USB card reader would have to be carried around. Ps. Sorry if some of these things have already been shared...I'm just now joining in the thread.
  6. C

    Pandora with microSD - will you buy it?

    I don't understand this statement. This sounds similar to saying that since Micro USB exists, full-sized USB isn't the future...simply because Micro USB will be used on more and more new devices. I'd say that while Micro USB ports work on phones because they need to be that small, they are...
  7. C

    Release [Upcoming] Pandora Clock

    I just downloaded the clock and it looks great! However, what shows as "12:14:37" in 24Hour mode shows as "PM 00:14:37" in 12Hour (AM/PM) mode (should show as "PM 12:14:37"). Is anyone else experiencing this?
  8. C

    Platinum Casing Sold Separately?

    I'm thinking of upgrading my Pandora to the new, stronger platnium casing. Is there anywhere that I can purchase this casing on its own, and then swap it out myself? How difficult is it to completely swap out a Pandora's casing?
  9. C

    What software are we still missing on Pandora? (A Wish List)

    We need an easy way to associate file types with whatever program we want. For example, I want to launch Audacious when I double click an mp3, but nothing I have tried has worked.
  10. C

    What software are we still missing on Pandora? (A Wish List)

    Sorry for so many posts...I keep thinking of things! I would very much like a way to map the "Pandora Button" to an external keyboard and/or gamepad so that I can easily bring up the menu at the press of a button without having to deal with a mouse, even if my Pandora is plugged into the TV out...
  11. C

    What software are we still missing on Pandora? (A Wish List)

    Ooh, another thing I'd like to see on Pandora is fullscreen music visualization software. That would be nice to use also with TV-Out.
  12. C

    What software are we still missing on Pandora? (A Wish List)

    Oh, and a slideshow program! Please, please, PLEASE make a decent, lightweight image slideshow program! EDIT: I know Android can do it, but I'd rather not have to switch to Android or launch a big program like XBMC every time I want to show a slideshow.
  13. C

    What software are we still missing on Pandora? (A Wish List)

    I'd like to see a program that will put everything except the USB port into sleep mode, so that I can charge my cell phone while using as little other battery as possible.
  14. C

    Using Pandora as phone replacement?

    The closest I got to owning an N-Gage was taking home the little flipbook brochure that was cut into the size and shape of it. I remember pretending to play games on it to see how the size felt. Then, I played Sonic on a friend's N-Gage and no longer wanted one...
  15. C

    Release [Upcoming] Pandora Clock

    Could you please add a binary clock display mode to this program?
  16. C

    TV-out : which emulators do work ?

    Update: I have it working now...I needed to delete the config file from the appdata folder after downloading the new version. It works great now...thanks again for the update!
  17. C

    Release 3.2 kernel issue tracking thread

    Thanks! That seems to have done the trick!
  18. C

    TV-out : which emulators do work ?

    Since the most recent update, I can't get PicoDrive to load at all. All I get is a black screen, and things from behind (desktop icons, menus...) will shine through if highlighted. I am currently running SuperZaxxon Beta 5a.
  19. C

    Release 3.2 kernel issue tracking thread

    Here is "lsmod": Not sure if it would help, but I also ran another dmesg while in the old kernel...
  20. C

    Release 3.2 kernel issue tracking thread

    Here it is: ...and this is the error message I get with qjoypad: No matter what I try, I can't get it to recognize the controller. I am plugged in through a 7-Port high-speed USB hub.