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  1. dannyowelch

    Pandora As A Wearable Computer

    I've been wanting to build a nice small all-in-one console emulator for a long time. I've used my mediapc and MAME cabinet for that task for a while, but I'd really love to have something smaller with low power draw. I thought about using a Beagleboard for it, but there are a few small issues...
  2. dannyowelch

    Pandora Status Update

    I doubt I'm the only one that didn't have their cash together for the pre-order window. Now all I need is for someone to get a little impatient and I can get my :pandora1: order in... ;) .
  3. dannyowelch

    Ur-quan Masters 0.6.2

    Excellent!! Downloading it now. Thanks for the great port. This is one of my all time favorite games, and I'm glad to see someone with some skills working on the port because mine are WEAK. :D I sure hope the in-game volume control addition works out. I was looking into it, but frankly...
  4. dannyowelch

    Blingo Released.

    This game is absolutely fantastic! Great graphics, great sound, and the gameplay is excellent. This one will be staying on my SD card permanently. Make sure to set up that donate link and I look forward to seeing more Ruckageware.
  5. dannyowelch

    Max In Ghostpix

    I played this game for hours last night. It's really hard to put down once you start! Just one more puzzle... oh just one more... Ghostpix is very polished. It's better than most titles that I've spent $$ on for my pda. Thanks a ton for your work and for sharing it!
  6. dannyowelch

    Gp2x Master Volume Control Released By Md81544

    Thanks very much for this, MD81544 and critical. It's quite handy.
  7. dannyowelch

    The Ur-quan Masters V0.5.0 Released

    I certainly appreciate the thought, but I couldn't accept a donation for such a small contribution. The real folks that desesrve donations are the folks that handled the initial porting of the source to SDL and all the improvements over these past few years. I suppose Toys for Bob got their...
  8. dannyowelch

    Mame Gp2x 3.7

    Thanks a ton, Franxis. This is one fantastic port of MAME. I love the screen rotation and scaling options. Pretty much all the games I loved as a kid play extremely well. Certainly one of the "must have" applications for the GP2X.
  9. dannyowelch

    The Ur-quan Masters V0.5.0 Released

    I run on 2.1.1. What's happening with yours? I'll try to duplicate it.
  10. dannyowelch

    The Ur-quan Masters V0.5.0 Released

    Megagun, you're the man! Added that to the keys.cfg and now 'Select' exits Super Melee mode. Here's the new keys.cfg file I'm using if anyone is interested. # Default UQM input configuration file. # This is a VCONTROL version 2 config file (UQM 0.5 or later). version 2 # This is the GP2X...
  11. dannyowelch

    The Ur-quan Masters V0.5.0 Released

    I haven't been able to find a key to exit the Super Melee mode. If I find a place to add that, I'll set it up. It might be as simple as being an option in keys.cfg that I overlooked.
  12. dannyowelch

    The Ur-quan Masters V0.5.0 Released

    Yeah... I'm not sure what to do about the voices at the moment. I'm going to try and compile the latest CVS build now and see what state everything is in from there then move forward. High on my list is making the volume keys work in game. I have no idea how hard that's going to be, so not...
  13. dannyowelch

    The Ur-quan Masters V0.5.0 Released

    Yes, this does support planet landings and it is very essential to the game. As far as I've played, everything has worked. I've made an effort test encounters with several races, planet types, combat, saves and it all seems to work well for me. As noted earlier, if you download right now...
  14. dannyowelch

    The Ur-quan Masters V0.5.0 Released

    If you'd like to be able to use the joystick to thrust and have the diagonals work, here's the new key.cfg file contents that will be in the update. Seems to work well for my tastes. I left 'R' mapped to thrust as well, so you can thrust with either the joystick or 'R'. Just copy all of the...
  15. dannyowelch

    The Ur-quan Masters V0.5.0 Released

    Sorry to hear that you're having some trouble with the saves. They all seem to work perfectly for me. Try this... delete the save folder and let UQM remake it. Might have been flagged read-only or some such. The screen going black on exit doesn't happen to me because I use the wrapper from...
  16. dannyowelch

    The Ur-quan Masters V0.5.0 Released

    First ship upgrades I do are maxed out turn jets then thrusters. Just can't stand moving slow. :lol:
  17. dannyowelch

    The Ur-quan Masters V0.5.0 Released

    Have to spin around and thrust.
  18. dannyowelch

    The Ur-quan Masters V0.5.0 Released

    Bah... I should have put that in the package. I meant to document it in the keys.cfg file, but forgot all about it. The joystick operates the menu and button A selects options on the menu. Start will pull up the menu or take you back a step in the menu. The joystick left and right turns in...
  19. dannyowelch

    The Ur-quan Masters V0.5.0 Released

    Seems to work fine for me at 200mhz. Occasionally get a little hiccup, but I think that's from it reading data off the SD card.
  20. dannyowelch

    The Ur-quan Masters V0.5.0 Released

    Just a quick note. If you like the 3do music, it does work with the port. Just grab the uqm-0.5.0-3domusic.uqm file from the official site and put it in the content/packages directory. Edit the uqm.cfg file and set the 3domusic option to yes and you should get the new music. Hope everyone...