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    Xgp News

    Unless they are going with the "Its not a games machine its a PMP that has a side benefit of playing games" strategy. More details are clearly required.
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    Mugen Possible?

    Wikpedia entry for M.U.G.E.N including details on why its unlikely we'll see a port.
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    Gp2psx V0.34

    Were you running that in software or wiht gpu plugins that offloaded work to your graphics card? Even it is was software only im fairly certain a P2 is more powerfull than an ARM9 at the same clock speed.
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    So, Say Gph Released A Sequel...

    MMSP3 anyone?
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    So, Say Gph Released A Sequel...

    Faster single cpu (arm10 or 11? preferably with fpu) and a proper graphics chip (ati imageon or nvidia goforce?) compact flash slot rather than sd (so microdrives could be used).
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    Alternative Kernel 1.2.1 Flasher

    Updater refused to work using my 256mb kingston card (just sat at a bluescreen and didnt do anything) but worked perfectly (as did the last updater) on my 2gb no-name thing. Very odd.
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    Another One Fo Them Gp2x "killers"

    I think the "cheesegrater motif" is supposed to be reminiscent of the air vents on the C64 (later model not breadbox), another person i showed the link to has suggested the unit looks like a c64 datacorder.
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    Another One Fo Them Gp2x "killers"

    This time from the once mighty commodore now owned by yeahronimo ventures, more details here.
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    Usb (pre Powered) Hard Drive On Gp2x?

    Would've been nice if GPH put in a Compact Flash slot instead of SD, then we could have at least used microdrives. -edit- Also, people keep going on about USB storage but the mmsp2 has an IDE interface is there anyway we could get to that?
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    Gp2x Keyboard

    How the hell would you project black :blink:
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    GP2X Amiga Emu

    Got specs?
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    Lik- Sang's Shit List

    If the settings can be tweaked to fix these problems then how is the lcd crap? If anything the settings are crap. For the record there are no scanlines, flickering, dead pixels, uneven colours etc on my unit when i tweak the settings, this proves (at least to me) that the lcd is fine and the...
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    New Joystick Mod And Carrybag

    I drilled it slightly smaller and used a bit of brute force to push it on, seems a tight enough fit to keep it on there. I would've used a black bead but the only black beads i have are titanium and i dont fancy trying to drill them...
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    Sound Quality From Headphones.

    Sounds like a problem with the headphone socket. Sound is crystal clear on my unit when using my Koss Portapro headphones. It was awful the first time i tried but that was because the jack wasnt pushed in all the way.
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    New Joystick Mod And Carrybag

    Yes. I did. Who would've thought it had so many uses?
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    New Joystick Mod And Carrybag

    Hey, just thought i'd show you all my latest joystick mod, its made from a 6mm acrylic bead (used to be for my tongue piercing) i just drilled the hole bigger (with a standard power drill) and more than halfway through the bead and stuck it on. I can confirm that it is much better than the...
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    Firmware 1.1.0 Released On Korean Page

    Whats been added is of no consequence untill they create a more reliable method of installation. Still using 1.0 because i cant update.
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    Joystick Mod

    Hasn't fallen out once so far (this might be different for someone that is a little more heavy on the stick edges) and its better for me. I suspect it will only help if youi have a problem with the shaft hitting the gp2x casing.
  19. T

    The Joystick...

    NES, SNES, SMS, Megadrive etc all used 4 way d-pads that used a combination of 2 switches to make diagonals didnt they? So cant we just turn the diagonals on the GP2X off and use the same system?