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  1. S

    WOW! new multyfw from AquaFish

    MP3-player (dedicated MP3-card), one that will start with the european firmware (for my GPCinema card) and one that will load yafl (emulation,picture viewer and text reader file's)
  2. S

    WOW! new multyfw from AquaFish

    it has four slot's to and any fxe you like to the boot up screen..... arkanoid was just an example...aquafish must have added it as one of his four... i'm adding yafl...gpfm...mp3.fxe...(till yogg has a playlist editor)...and wingp....(pls finish guyfaulk's).... how about you's.
  3. S

    should i buy a Zodiac?

    good luck with that.
  4. S

    Darts GP32 v0.4 suggestion list

    how i agree with that.....wingp could be so cool if finished.
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    Darts GP32 v0.4 suggestion list

    you should add the game where you have to hit the number's in order...(forget what it's called).... so glad to hear you are working on this again as i think it's so cool....cheer's.
  6. S

    Ultimate wish list.

    full screen wonderswan emulator. mame playing vulcan venture. amiga 500 emulator....(for swos and alien breed game's) asm core for kof91. asm core for opensnes9x. asm core for fGEN32.
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    Amiga 500 emulator?

    didn't you start that topic?
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    GPCinema DEMO

    try snk vc capcom choas's so cool.
  9. S

    New Multifirmware!!

    i like set a app for each my gpcinema only smc will boot with euro fw...and the other's with pacrom....(i have a card reader)
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    xbox controller

    is this a joke?
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    Super Famicast

    i've had one for about 3 week's....there so cool.
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    Wonderswan color emu with sound

    i read in yoyo's interveiw...he has allready ported it... what state it's in i don't know..... but one thing's for sure....I WANT IT!!!!
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    KOF91 v1.0

    cheer's...once again
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    whats your age group and country? london uk
  15. S

    kof91 v1.0

    i think thor said it's going to be his last as he dosen't want to learn asm. i would like to thank him for all his good work on this... and hope someone who allready know's asm will take it a step further. source code is avalible.
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    kof91 v1.0

    05/01/2004 - Kof91 V1.0 has been incredible the evolution that has suffered this port in a few days. Since already, you have available the version 1.0 of the KOF91 for GP32, with many improvements included, quicker and more stable. You can catch AQUI so much the port as the code source...
  17. S

    Need help with Her Knights smc

    you must have the legal right to do so as with roms....(you can download the one's you own...i think).... SO IF HE PUT'S THE PIRATE COPY ON THE ORIGINAL would know the diffrence!!!!
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    Need help with Her Knights smc

    i find this funny....why didn't you back the file's up on your pc first?... and no...sorry i don't know where you can get the file's from!!!
  19. S

    Panics over ive found my GP32

    was there a panic?
  20. S

    virtual dub mod file's

    the mpeg2 one works ok.