Search results

  1. S

    Rio Karma - 20gb Mp3 Player

    my psp had a very high reserve price (£190 and sold for £210) and it sold no problem with plenty of bids. if people want something then they will bid what they would pay for it. by acting in this manner it just ensures that a seller who is willing to shell out (it costs money just to set a...
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    Gta:lcs Running On V1.5 Psp

    if you know your psp shizzle you will know to check various sources by just checking the pspupdates and main sites and forums i found everything i needed and patches to remove the time limit.
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    Gta:lcs Running On V1.5 Psp

    talk about poetic justice. it has been done MPH has cracked the uncrackable the day after i post my PSP to the ebay auction winner i come across this gem of information GTA:LCS can now be run on a PSP with a 1GB Memory Stick card. I could have been playing GTA today, god dammit the world...
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    Rio Karma - 20gb Mp3 Player

    that'd be telling! wanna make me an offer?
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    Who Is Your Current Favorite Forumer & Why?

    it was his beard his avatar changed when the beard got fuller one for the old school: counter
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    Who Is Your Current Favorite Forumer & Why?

    one mention i now feel validated thank you
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    Is It Just Me Or ...

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    Where To Get Gba Flashcarts?

    if they could make one of these that fits flush in the new gba dslite slot then i would get one. the chance of that must be slim to none though. having just sold my psp after being unimpressed by the commercial offerings and frustrated by the hit and miss nature of homebrew and warez i think i...
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    Fon Wifi

    gave the page a brief glance, didn't really read it though is it offering anything different to not securing your wireless network?
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    Rio Karma - 20gb Mp3 Player

    Ebay Auction
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    Is It Just Me Or ...

    chatbox used to be where it was at, after i sold my gp32 to nova (i think) i already knew my time had come now i check the off topic forums a few times a day more out of mere habit more than anything else. i guess i cling to a time when i could spend an evening just posting in the chatbox and...
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    Paypal Help

    sorry for the confusion, it's my auction for my psp! thanks for the info guys, i always send things recorded delivery just for the convenience of insurance and tracking, but it'll be good to know that as long as it's signed for i'm ok!
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    Paypal Help

    My ebay auction for my PSP will be ending monday evening. If the winner is not happy with sending me a cheque, what lengths can i go to to ensure that I don't get fucked over via paypal? Is it a case of ensuring that delivery is signed for? Will making sure the money is in my actual bank...
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    Ds Goodness

    i have a vague memory from an interview with the head of opera that java will be included but no flash. YES linkage: joystiq article
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    i like the sony players but i also have a 20gb music collection, re-encoding that would mean loss in quality and a huge pain in the ass. mp3 is the standard format, why not just play that i say?
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    i'll be getting one as i need to replace my rio karma and karmas aren't being made anymore. i like the menu system but i'm not looking forward to losing gapless playback.
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    Scanning For A New Connection

    it has to be done within the psp's menu, not through tenchi.
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    Ds Goodness

    so long as it allows me to use gmail and the SA forums i will find the urge to pick this up with a DS lite nigh impossible to resist.
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    Dreamcast Appreciation Thread

    i saw plenty of adverts. infact the adverts landed them on the UK consumer rights show Watchdog. The adverts made claims about the online play available to owners that were grossly exagerated, the adverts were then soon pulled off the air. if i remember correctly it involved a load of kids...
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    Dreamcast Appreciation Thread

    i think i will pick one of these up over the summer, if just for the beat em ups and house of the deads and confidential mission.