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  1. Darkknight512

    Need stylus pen

    You could also use a NDS stylus, it fit's nicely as far as I know.
  2. Darkknight512

    Pcsxrearmed Now For Wiz!

    I think that also happened in PCSX4ALL when I played FF7 on my Wiz, I just transferred the memory card file to my desktop and played in ePSXe till I got past that part.
  3. Darkknight512

    A tale of snow, tons of server requests and coordinates (2011-12-16)

    Yikes, hope it's just a dent in the corner or something, you have insurance right?
  4. Darkknight512

    PNDs in /pandora/desktop

    It should work fine, I think it might be an issue of upgrading to HF6, I think a few people have had problems. Try a reinstall.
  5. Darkknight512

    Introduction (new member "hmc")

    Nikolaus Schaller, I knew his name sounded familiar, I think ED knows him well and that he recently helped OPT with a small crisis. OPT got a few things from them that they were missing for the prototype run.
  6. Darkknight512

    Battery charging "mode" possible?

    So far, the best you can do is flick the power switch to turn off the radios, screen and downclock the CPU.
  7. Darkknight512

    A tale of snow, tons of server requests and coordinates (2011-12-16)

    Sounds great, hope everything is going smoothly!
  8. Darkknight512

    WiFi connection problems in Hotfix 6

    I found locking the router to a lower data rate helps. I use 36 MB/s myself, it has fixed my wifi issues with the Pandora.
  9. Darkknight512

    screen shaking and twitching

    I think this is a bigger problem, would unstable voltages be a cause for this problem? Maybe when the battery is fully charged, for some reason the voltage regulation is not working past +4.0 V? No idea but I think you really need to send this in.
  10. Darkknight512

    What a day! (2011-12-14)

    ED, maybe it would be fun (if they let you and if you have time), make a video every 2 weeks or month of what is going on in production, daily problems and whatever is interesting about it. I bet it would be pretty cool and educational.
  11. Darkknight512

    What a day! (2011-12-14)

    Really I'm surprised how well pick and place machines work, it must have been a heck of a lot of work to get these machines operating so accurately. I remember watching a video on the EEVBlog about PCB design and production of your product and how to order parts so that they can be loaded in...
  12. Darkknight512

    What emulator system do you recomend

    I have a Wiz and it is great, I'm sorta thinking of selling mine if you want it. Not quite sure yet though.
  13. Darkknight512

    Hi to everyone.

    Welcome to the community :) It really is a wonderful device, hope you enjoy it!
  14. Darkknight512


    Part time job out of the question? Where do you live, there is probably quite a bit of snow falling on a large part of the planet right now :P Unfortunately I think the price for a Pandora might go up if the Euro vs USD ratio drops, I think many of the parts are bought with USD, but since the...
  15. Darkknight512


    I think ED (part of the OpenPandora Team) stated that it costs 200 euros to produce a board, but if they make 10 000 of them, then the cost is almost half. (At once, not over time) But yea, other then economies of scale, really it is not that much for what your getting in terms of hardware...
  16. Darkknight512

    Release SNES9X4P hardware scaled

    I think that is an issue of using an old version of SNES9x
  17. Darkknight512

    The grand day is nearing (2011-12-12)

    That would be quite an interesting idea, wonder if anyone has tried that before. A tuned logo, I like it.
  18. Darkknight512

    The grand day is nearing (2011-12-12)

    I think it has been stated before, once production is in full force some money will be spent on software development. For now, yes HF7 is in development but I think it has been stated that it will be the last HF for Zaxxon.
  19. Darkknight512

    Humble Introversion Bundle Source Available

    I thought you were joking about them mentioning this project Gotta love introversion. Maybe someone from the OPT has already approached introversion before? Guess we are in luck from the sound of that blog post. Just gotta be patient that's all.
  20. Darkknight512

    Rockbox: Add shoulder button support or not?

    Maybe 2 builds then? Or if possible an option in the settings?