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  1. M

    I Kinda Want To Keep My Flu

    No Im quite happy with my standard non lit GP32 too - Dont need Flu or a Blu as I have no intention of using it in the dark. And I certainly dont need a FLU and a BLU - I cant see the point, isnt that like having 2 PS2's ???
  2. M

    Whats Happened To Gba Emulator?

    Fair play to Enf for the work he has done on the GBA Emu, however as always its still a case of, if you want GBA games buy a GBA - I did, just for mario cart and Advance Wars. And if the GP32 dies ever emulate the GBA effectivley I can flog it (the GBA) on Ebay.
  3. M

    The On-going Flu/blu Saga

    Check out for details -
  4. M

    The On-going Flu/blu Saga

    Ahhhh the continuing saga of sam_fishers broken BLU - I bet craig found a dodgy one out especially for you, just to have a joke on us all. I find it amusing that the official BLU representative is actually the last person to get one :-)
  5. M

    So, Has Anyone Flashed Their Blu ?

    Make you feel alive dont it :D
  6. M

    Do You Surf?

    Yeah, i had a half day lesson last year in Newquay, and loved it... I was in pain for 4 days afterwards mind, but im now increasing my fitness and swimming ability for august when I go back down again. I love it all, lifestyle, clothes, culture... its great. And who knows next time I may...
  7. M

    Hello Everybody

    You will note (and this is to all the folk who go on about how the board now flames people at a moments notice), that this new guy has not been flamed, this is because of his attitude - and knowing how to fit into the group. Well done dr_other you are most welcome, we could do with more like you.
  8. M

    Serious Noobie Smc Problem

    perhaps the BLUs are keyed so you cant put the card in the wrong way round anymore, that would account for the bit sticking out
  9. M


    An update has been put on the sidetalkin site ( and I am on it check out page-brazilian (no im not brazilian, but hey) in the one with the aircon at the top of the page and the GP32 furthur down. nice - I did notice a couple of other GP32s on there too anyone else famous :-)
  10. M

    Just Wondering

    there is a bit of a script on gp32news - along with some screenshots - I downloaded them the other week but havent had chance to try them with the game yet. oh yeah look in the manuals section on GP32news
  11. M

    Seen This?

    The t-shirts were produced for a german 'E3' type show last year. Gamepark were then pushing the Eurolaunch with Mitsui (the on that fell through). There were stickers, booklets and t-shirts to go with the promotion. Independence days come from the fact that Gamepark are a small 'indie'...
  12. M

    Cheer Up People :)

    'tis true' I remember the days before yoyo and Squidge even had GP32s - since then we have seen them come and go (even though yoyo hasnt really gone) to pastures new. However the Circle will continue and some new coders will turn up again to replace them, probably out of nowhere.
  13. M

    Lets Form A Frienship Circle

    A quick count, thats 32 of us holding hands EWWWWWWW - its the gayest :)
  14. M

    Get Your Tin Hats On

    and a spate of postings about the Smartmedia to CF converter. How big is the biggest SM card again ??? :lol:
  15. M

    Lets Form A Frienship Circle

    Good job I bought the beers then :D <passes beer to PinkSpider>
  16. M

    Lets Form A Frienship Circle

    Say no more ;) ;)
  17. M

    Lets Form A Frienship Circle

    Yeah, I'll join too - (and bring some beers)
  18. M

    Will There Ever Be An N64 Emulator?

    Errrr in short no, level of emulation will be in the region of SNES/Megadrive - anything over that I would think not.
  19. M

    Installing Win98 Drivers For Gpdrive

    I dont think you can, as far as I remember GPdrive only works on WinXP and Win2000 - cant remember if it works on Linux or not. Are there actually any mass storage drivers for Win 98 anyway ????
  20. M

    Where Can I Download Gp32 Instruction Manual ?

    Interestingly, I also noticed that there is an ASR manual there which is in english, If Gamepark have gone to the trouble of producing an English manual - then why cant we have a complete translation of the game ????