Search results

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    Mario Kart With Os9xgp 0.3 Beta

    OMG he said he was running OS9xgp 0.3 beta, if that's not a proper emulator what is? I don't know about you other people but I feel little bit sorry for Lina_Inverse... Little stupid and noobisch . :P and yeah probobly bad dump, I had the same problem a year ago.
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    Mac Os

    .. nothing
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    Is It Worth...

    Why don't you just bye it on Steam? I will get HL2 when it's out but I'm playing CS:S now! But I don't liek it that much it's just boring.
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    New Ps2

    Why would you want linux on your PS2? You said the kit was 200 EURO? An xbox wich is much more powerful can easily run linux without any extra cost and it's only 150 Euro... Atleast with the xbox you can have some servers up like hlds server, html, or ftp. And xbox has a much bigger modding...
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    Blu Dust

    Just ignore it not worth opening it up. SOmetime dust can just dissapear without reson maybe it will fall of? and collect where you dont see it?
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    Dr. Malvado Bether Than Commercial Game

    In every commercial game I bought/downloaded I can hear crackles very often... In like Dr. Mavado the graphics is beautiful so is the sound. If you put headphones in you can hear some good stereo music. :D So if there is more games wich can be ported with Fenix runtime plz do. Is there a site...
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    Gold Gp32

    I just want the buttons and the grey thing around the screen to be white... It looks o much bether if everything is white. Also the R and L button. (White) A preview of this can be found on the video. Link to video:
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    I Just Labeled My Smcs...

    MAybe a tutorial? Where to buy stuff you need and wich programs to make the labels...
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    I Bought An Crystal Xbox With Alladin Modchip

    Woot? N64 is full speed of with many games atleast the new emu. I love the Xbox I play more emulated games then real ones but also use it for movies. Streaming from all your PC's with simple SMB shares. This is good for anything movies, music and photos right on you TV. And what's wrong...
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    Blu Vs Non Flu/blu

    Yes it's worth every penny. In my opinion anyway.
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    Sensitive Gp32?

    My english isn't that good but I did understand 100% what he was trying to say. So my question to you guys from UK or USA. Just because the grammar is not correct you stop reading it? Or, are you just to dumb? :P
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    I want a hi res bakgroudn on the limited white GP32... Seen in gp32eu video... I heard of someone here who painted his grey parts white. Any pictures of it? I want to do the same. The gp32_console looks much bether in only white.
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    Want To Volt Mod

    I think I got enough experience to solder the resistors for the volt mod but I don't know where to buy the right ones... I modded 3 xboxes so far and other stuff and I think I can do this. :) I'm in need of the right resistors. Maybe someone friendly can send me some for free. I have found 1...
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    Lost Cable, And Need Format

    but how is he going to start Slubman commander or pacrom ? :blink:
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    What Happened To The English Site?

    Just flash it with the euro fw then you don't have to worry.
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    Blu Pre-orders At Lik-sang

    Hey menion, I'm from Sweden too. And the shipment is really cheap. I have ordered 5 times but only used the lowest cost shipment. Swedish: Om du beställer från lik-sang kan paketet fastna i tullen. Du kan skicak ett email om att du vill att "price tagen" ska vara högst 60$ då tror ja inte...
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    The Blu

    Everything you asked is allready in many other threads... Use the search function plz!!!! If you want to test the new firmware try with GeePee32 a GP32 emulator for windows... I beliave the EU FW was dumped and posten on the boards. And I'm sure it works with geepee32. you just need tor ename...
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    Lithium Battery Installed In My Gp32

    Why is this bether than 2 good rechargeable batteries?
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    Gp32 Blu Lcd Motion Blur

    ofcourse it can't handle fps games like a big expensive lcd monitor.
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    Can You Turn On The Blu Light With Old Firmware?

    Why didn't they use the start button instead? Start you just push if you need to pause... it should be great for genesis emulation