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    Programming On Pandora

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    Release New Video: Ed Assembles A Prototype

    wow, can't stop watching this video :) looks even nicer than expected, especially in white...
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    Bob''s Game

    do you think that'd work? looking for ways to shift my next game :P
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    Open Pandora Videos

    I'm running on my internet machine, slow 1.3 Gig, 512 MB RAM, didn't even get to play a video, it maxed CPU out whilst loading in just the previews, and then crashed firefox :P Think too many videos and too big size.
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    Bob''s Game;pagenumber=1 thread where bob actually talks about his game, only up to page 3 of 17, so I imagine he's gonna get owned by the the end of it, but just wanted to take back a couple of things I said. I said it looked higher res than the 256*192 of...
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    Games That You Can't Wait To Play On Your Pandora.

    You can play Captain Comic on SAM Coupe emulator whilst you wait for your Pandora if you have a GP2X :) There was an unofficial machine code conversion from 80286 (or whatever proc it targeted) to Z80 and was very decent. Was on one of the FRED Disk Magazines, it even had the music and speech :D
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    So What Are The Musts For You?

    as above :) I remember when buying my GP2X (just over a year ago) I had very definite systems that I was buying it for... Even as much as I love homebrew there's no way I could have justified 200 pounds (once charger, batteries, SD card etc all in) for a handheld, so I was basically buying it...
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    Bob''s Game

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    Transfers... Tranzfers..

    I hate to say it, but the main problem at the moment (well apart from Craig not appearing to silence some worry's) is everybody winding each other up, those that have either paid and are assured of their Pandora trying to appease/talk sense to those who legitimately have concerns over ordering...
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    Bob''s Game

    lol, he'll end up getting himself in trouble with the police, then he'll really know life isn't the idealised dream he thinks it is, lol Seriously, the guys a whinging bitch, I don't believe this has some secret advertising thing behind it (people saying Nintendo could be in on it etc, that's...
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    How Hard Is It To Make A Game If I Have Never Programmed?

    I've spent the last FOUR MONTHS trying to speed my latest game up, it's on an old 8 bit and in uncompiled BASIC, only moving one software sprite around the screen (lol) and nearly half a year of daily work to get it polished so it's nearly at 25 fps... never felt anything so satisfying, so yes...
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    Bob''s Game

    I must admit that his last announcement was rather weird - after all, locking himself away for a month or two is hardly anything big, except in his eyes (I think I left my house about 8 times between 1989 and 1995, lots of games coded though, lol :P ) but this one is even worse, even if he's...
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    Big Thanks To Craig

    +1 My Nan supports you guys too :)
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    Naming Contest For My Game

    M'ass Invaders ClusterSuck "Come on son, lets go *uck some planets!" Looks cool btw, no idea what your supposed to be doing from the vid mind :P
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    Uae4allgp2x 0.8.0 Beta By Noldor

    Hiya :) It's been a while since I had the Amiga emulator on my F200, so thought it was time I updated... downloaded this latest version, loads in the games OK (well apart from those needing virtual keyboard to start game, where'd that go?), but once in game the direction pad won't move the...
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    Final Pre-production Case

    Yeah, but if you hover over title from main menu, you get the whole title float above in yellow :D I know what you guys mean though...
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    Pandora Emulator

    LMAO ;) This forum keeps getting funnier and funnier...
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    Bricked F200 List

    That's why people going on about necro posting or whatever should be shot with sh*te :D Your trying to help the dude so why should it matter if the topics over 25 seconds old ;)
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    Scummvm 0.11.0 Final

    Hi, can anyone help me save my game in Broken Sword, I've been playing about three hours and cannot save before my batteries will run out :( I've tried pressing right shoulder, bringing the menu up, selecting a save position, and then pressing right shoulder to insert a ? symbol, but when I go...