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  1. Blue Ion

    Overclocking And Overvolting

    Actually, that was the problem. I forgot to flash the uImage as well that was why I wasn't getting the cpu_opp_max and the 3d acceleration problem, my uImage came from the Hotfix 3 which is older. I guess mixing uImage and rootfs would work as long as there aren't any showstopping mismatchs...
  2. Blue Ion

    Beta Hotfix 4 - Beta 2

    False alarm. Turned out I forgot to flash uImage as well, and the new sgx driver must have been disagreeing with the one in the boot image. Now that I have flashed the uImage as well, everything works fine now. xopher, check that you had flashed this part as well. As for the battery, it must...
  3. Blue Ion

    Need Gngeo Help

    It is the same set. Just to try, get yourself mame and see if you can load your roms there. It should work (at least with the mame 108). I can play Metal Slug 2 on both Mame and Gngeo. My only problem is that I don't have any sound, though I'll try to debug that on my side. And Metal Slug 3...
  4. Blue Ion

    Beta Hotfix 4 - Beta 2

    Well, the PXML.xml file does allow you to specify what type of file are you referring on the info section using mime types. Of course, a separate matter would be if every pnd packager fills this tag correctly.
  5. Blue Ion

    Beta Hotfix 4 - Beta 2

    I'll add mine too, now that I'm at it.
  6. Blue Ion

    Beta Hotfix 4 - Beta 2

    I've tried the latest image for a completely unrelated reason, and it seems there is some disarrangement within the sgx driver. Check "dmesg" if you see symbol mismatches. Also, my battery reader is kinda wonky. When I flashed the battery was was a little low, but at least 15 or 20%. However...
  7. Blue Ion

    Overclocking And Overvolting

    Well, no dice, /proc/pandora is no more populated than it usually is and on top of that, there is some kind of problem with the battery measurement. That is, Xfce battery widget displays 0% and the red light is flashing as if it didn't had any juice left, even though it does. Also dmesg shows a...
  8. Blue Ion

    Beta Tileworld

    Try to find an original thread either at the news section, or somewhere at this forum. Otherwise, I guess it should go at the "I need help" As for your query, the original Microsoft Corporation's Chip's Challenge didn't make that distinction, didn't have many animations for that matter, and the...
  9. Blue Ion

    Overclocking And Overvolting

    I'll check that out, since my pandora stopped booting (after a hard crash), I had to reflash and got struck with the "Please select date..., Please select date..., Please select date..." bug so I'll flash with the latest image, to get rid of this problem. At least until the final HotFix 4 comes...
  10. Blue Ion

    Convince Me To Get The Pandora

    And your sarcasm detector is busted by the looks of it.
  11. Blue Ion

    Overclocking And Overvolting

    This thread at maemo should provide a much more clearer insight about the overclocking capabilities of the omap with an actual poll instead of a guess estimation. Heck, the percentage should probably be a bit higher on the top frequencies as people play it safe and don't go as far. Notice even...
  12. Blue Ion

    Craig's Photo On Twitter

    This other pic will shed some more light. (specially at the comments ;) )
  13. Blue Ion

    Sd Card Database?

    The pandora have a fully compliant SDHC reader so ANY card you throw at it should work. If for some reason it doesn't it is either because something is wrong with the card (ie: brekage, malfunctioning and the like), is fake (always check this with a flash checker or even better, the...
  14. Blue Ion

    Gizmondo Emulation Possible?

    Microsoft never released a proper OpenGL ES competitor for Windows CE, I mean there is an unaccelerated Direct3D but obviously it is unsuited to do anything other than a couple triangles. I would suspect the chip is OGLES 1.0 or 1.1 at most considering its age. I don't know if the games uses...
  15. Blue Ion

    Gizmondo Emulation Possible?

    As long as the nvidia chip is OpenGL ES compliant, I don't think it will be much of a problem. Carmaggedon would be nice to have (specially now that the wine+qemu port is looking bad) and the Fathammer ones where fun as well, but they too where available as java versions for phones, not looking...
  16. Blue Ion

    Valve's Source Engine Port For Pandora?

    Or not, I mean, obviously you need coding skills to pull that off but not that godlike coding skills. The reason why virtually all iphone games look like crap is because they are mini 5$ casual experiences that are meant for quick comsumption and need to reach the maximum number of clients...
  17. Blue Ion

    Release Ginge

    About to finish it and no problem whatsoever.
  18. Blue Ion

    Beta Updated Wifi Driver

    Aren't those to be only the first 200 or so? I agree there is a difference, I had a very early unit which crapped out with its lcd cable that had piss poor wifi, with speeds around 20 kb/s or less with constants disconnects. My new unit has better performance, around 50 and 100, with sometimes...
  19. Blue Ion

    Beta Updated Wifi Driver

    I too confirm that the driver keeps a very stable connection now after periods of an entire night (no WPA2 password confirmation) and on use, so that issue seems gone.
  20. Blue Ion

    Beta Minitube 1.1

    Don't, as someone might have other uses for such libs. Perhaps a one time reminder that the program can remove them, but even then, chances are very few tried these builds and chances are they all follow this thread so they'll know already the previous libs are no longer needed. Other than...