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  1. Q

    Flight Of The Amazon Queen

    omg omg omg omg I've been looking for FOTAQ for ages!! :D
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    Spc Encoding O.o

    sanks! :D
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    Spc Encoding O.o

    that doesn't really have something to do with gp32 though, but I thought I'd post it here anyway, since I wouldn't know where else to put it (Off topic seemed a bit overboard :)) anywayz, looking for a tool that can convert .SPC (snes rom music files) to .MP3... can anyone help me on this? thnx!
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    Which Game Should I Play

    ...and that was the whole point of that game.
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    Rpg Duo Controller 2

    I think that's not very good for your hand... :/
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    What Rpg Are You Working On?

    Site updated! for all your reading needs :)
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    The Truth On Guyfawkes Evil Actions.

    hm. I'm not meddling with childish stuff like this (just for those who did not know yet). I'll just steer clear of this thread, as, well, to me, gaming's supposed to be "fun".
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    I feel you bro :(
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    "old Fart" Gp32 Owner & Newbie...davey Fontan

    meh that whole age thing is in your mind alone... :D don't use "wippersnapper" though, as it's not "wonky" anymore XDDDDD
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    Gp Users Iq

    I don't do IQ tests... they're very onesided and don't give a complete image of your intelligence... they're very useful for determining the level of mental disabilities on a person, but other than that they're good for almost nothing... normal IQ = 100 btw ...max IQ = 170 O.o :P
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    naruto is okay, I don't see why people love it that much, I mean it's fun if you can watch like 10 eps in a row, but 1 ep at a time is just soo damn boring... for those who don't know what I mean: naruto is very slow and made on the level of people with mental disabilities :P I mean I'm at ep...
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    oh yeah, we have something like that too, is it this program where this stupid host is babbling all the time until the times stops, and you can call to answer a question and if you're a certain number, they ring you back? it's called "toeters en bellen" and it's ridiculous.
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    Gigas-engine 0.7.0

    yes! :D (and write me one too!)
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    isn't that obvious? I mean if even I myself wouldn't like my own ideas, I'd be pretty fucked up :)
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    Can anyone use the almighty power of teh sticky here? :) maybe you should modify the title to "[gigas]rules! read before posting!" or something :) (although I doubt this will fully solve the problem, if there's only 10 ppl posting here it will undoubtedly improve things :))
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    What Do Attack Settings Mean?

    maybe you should put all your questions in the same topic, some people are getting really annoyed because they always pop up on the main page and ppl have no clue that they're about gigas...
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    Just Completed Final Fantasy Vii!

    playing SO aswell, but I quit due to exams :) SD3, I must've finished that game 6 times, once with all characters in main position :) it just doesn't get boring! MORE SPOILERS: That's not what the game suggests. Finish it again, and watch the Nanaki part at the end. Turn up your volume. Keep...
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    The Other Ultimate Question

    meh, tie.
  19. Q

    Fgen32 W.i.p

    in some games :) but anyway, sound in sonic 1 is really great already! :) this emulator will totally kick ass :) (which it does already - ain't life great? :P)