Search results

  1. Jonttu

    Are There Any Decent Open Source Soccer Games

    In my opinion, our best hope for the most impressive 3d shooters to come to Pandora would be a port of Cube 2. It seems to be a engine/game that would make full use of the Pandora's abilities.
  2. Jonttu

    Tablet Functionality

    At Craig/Weston, is there any way I could possibly order an extra LCD/and top casing? Or am I asking for too much? I still want to do a dual screen/swivel mod.
  3. Jonttu

    Quake Iii Mods (halo Port?)

    Well never a copy, but a beta was released with models and textures. "it was pretty similar to the PC version of halo." and what I meant by that is that it gave me the same feel as HCE almost. The only weapon that they had was the AR.
  4. Jonttu

    Quake Iii Mods (halo Port?)

    There was a Quake III mod a while back called Halo Total Conversion. I played it like once or twice, it was pretty similar to the PC version of halo. I tried looking for it a couple days ago, but to no avail. Try searching for it and post us back if you find anything.
  5. Jonttu

    Pandora Cube 2 Engine On The Pandora?

    I'm really a noob when it comes down to engines, but would the Cube 2 engine work on the Pandora?
  6. Jonttu

    When Do You Think The Pandora Will Become Available For Casual Users?

    Well that just about wraps up any questions I have. As long as I get my Pandora this year I'll be happy :) Thanx Chip and Craig.
  7. Jonttu

    True Combat: Revival

    wow, no reply?
  8. Jonttu

    True Combat: Revival

    True combat was originally a mod for Quake III with beautiful maps for its time. I really enjoyed the game, until recently (well not recently 2006-2008) the community has vanished. Since the Pandora can pretty much run Quake 3 then It should basically be able to run True Combat. I was wondering...
  9. Jonttu

    Orange Box On Pandora?

  10. Jonttu

    Orange Box On Pandora?

    I just found this on Digg Orange Box for Linux What do you guys think?
  11. Jonttu


    I agree a lot with you Dave, but to me if its not windowed its not substantial enough (well for me at least). In my opinion, I kind of like the portable desktop feel. Using a stylus isn't too bothersome, for that matter I like using one. The palm interface is great except I feel like their is no...
  12. Jonttu


    I'm going to make another GUI concept based on feedback I got from last time.
  13. Jonttu

    Quake 3 Port?

    Assuming wine can be run, is it possible to run Halo Custom Edition? Halo Requirements
  14. Jonttu

    Pandora At Maxconsole

    I posted about the Pandora on and got the same PSP/DS fanboyism.
  15. Jonttu

    Quake 1/2/3 Sdk

    Have any of you seen the vid of Q3 on the iPod Touch? Q3A on iPod Touch Just seems kind of interesting that something that was originally designed to just be a mp3 player can handle Q3A, but then again the game requirements aren't that demanding.
  16. Jonttu

    Open? Questions

  17. Jonttu

    Dual Screen Multitasking

    You really need to stop hitting yourself in the head, you'll get a concussion.
  18. Jonttu

    Bling Bling My Pandora

    As soon as the soup comes out of the pot I'll wait until it cools down then I'll add some flavor to it before I eat it. (soup=pandora, pot=development stage, cools down=gets fixed for errors, flavor=paint, eat=use)
  19. Jonttu

    A Flock Of Questions

    I thought people were to receive their MK1's between March and April. Well as long as I get my Pandora this year I'll be happy. :)