Search results

  1. Ziz

    Terraria players?

    You won't believe, but I didn't notice it. ^^
  2. Ziz

    2015 Was Another Fantastic year for the Pandora

    Maybe it is a bad idea to read only the most recent update message in the repository once a month instead of any board thread? Not the best method for a site, which claims for itself to tell "All That's Worth Telling About the Open Pandora Handheld". ;)
  3. Ziz

    Linux hacked onto a PS4

  4. Ziz

    Terraria players?

    Hey, I just bought the Linux version in the christmas steam sale. Will PM you. :)
  5. Ziz

    Welcome to the new OpenPandora / Pyra / GP32X Boards!

    Ah, you merged with gp32x, not, I forgot. Seemed to work fine, but it merged the pandora account to the gp32x account, which means I have the gp32x signature and avatar, which were not very up2date. But that's not a big problem at all. :D
  6. Ziz

    Welcome to the new OpenPandora / Pyra / GP32X Boards!

    This page also gives the don't panic message. Not so clever persons could stick at this page for days not knowing, that the new board is only one click ahead! And is this my openhandhelds login? My signature says so... So am I twice, too?
  7. Ziz

    [Poll] What's the sex of your Pandora ? O_o

    Exactly this is my point! :D
  8. Ziz

    [Poll] What's the sex of your Pandora ? O_o

    I want to point out, that even the poll itself is sexist bullshit. Males are decribed by their abilities / behaviour. Females are reduced to their look. But grammar gender is totally different from real world gender!!!111eleven Back to topic. In germany most consoles are female, so...
  9. Ziz

    Smach Z will pose some serious competition to the Pyra

    Pfft, Smach Z... I get a PC with the same Specs for half the price! (If you compare a pure gaming handheld with a mini computer, I can also compare a pure gaming handheld with a maxi computer) But in fact I have some hopes in the Smach Z: That the "How do I emulate Windows afap on the...
  10. Ziz

    Wie entsteht ein Videospiel?

    Kommt auf das Spiel, die Zielplattform und deine Änderungswünsche an. Ich hatte als Kind viel Spaß die Moorhuhnbilder auszutauschen. ;)
  11. Ziz

    Release Diablo 2

    So it's not broken. It just doesn't exist. ;)
  12. Ziz

    Wie entsteht ein Videospiel?

    Der Thread von Bamt erklärt aber nicht viel über die Hintergründe... Grob gesehen muss man erstmal schauen, was für Programmiersprachen das Gerät, für welches man programmieren will, unterstützt. Bei NES scheint das vor allem Assembler zu sein. Das ist nichts für Anfänger. Andere Geräte...
  13. Ziz

    Next XenForo version will support IPB4.0/IPB4.1 migration

    Hm, am I the only one, who finds is quite ironic to use an unfree board software for an open handhelds community? Version 4.1 seems to run well and imo the community has way bigger problems than some flaws of the recent IP version...
  14. Ziz

    Refugee Situation in Europe

    This is bullshit and proven (!) to be fashist propaganda. It may be, that some refugee steal. But not more than other people from other groups.
  15. Ziz

    Release Otter browser

    Thanks a lot for your work, ptitSeb! I just crashed my smartphone and am using a sony erricsson w810i as bluetooth modem for otter on my pandora now. This is really awesome! I like it way more than my old smartphone solution. Especially if I use mobile webpages instead of the big bloat ones. :D...
  16. Ziz

    Tron 2.0 on Steam

    Oh, my failure. This makes it pandora related. ;)
  17. Ziz

    Tron 2.0 on Steam

    Awesome! Another Windows only (!) game on steam (!). Totally Pandora related!
  18. Ziz

    Lego Mindstorms EV3 on the Pandora?

    I used ev3dev, a debian for the Mindstorms EV3 brick, with my pandora. But I doubt, this helps. However ev3dev is really awesome!
  19. Ziz

    Release Hase 1.6 - more gravity, more particles, more fun!

    As mentioned in my development blog, I made a very small new release with the possibility to add a (positive or negative) handicap for the AI. As always in the repository.
  20. Ziz

    Pyra Developers.

    No. And why? I mean: ED has 10 prototypes to gift. So every developer should address at least 10% of the community with his work. How many people want to use Gentoo? Most people in this board would install Windows if they could... To your first question: This is not sure yet. I would guess...