Search results

  1. pea

    GP32 Is It Me Or Is C++ Very Mathimatically Intensive?

    The point in contest is 'Do I need to know math to program'. So I guess the answer is no. Unless you need to do anything even slightly usefull. But even then you can copy and paste without knowing what you are doing :) Comparing not knowing physics and brewing a cuppa is a bit far fetched -...
  2. pea

    GP32 How Long Did It Take You To Learn C++?

    aaaaah! GOTO BAD BAD BAD!!! I started with Basic way back on the c64 (POKE 32680,1 baby!) and dabbled in machine code a few years later (basically ASM with numbers instead of text). Then moved on to AMOS on the amiga, from where I went to Univerity and had my first run in with C, and then OO...
  3. pea

    Shippy 1984 Ported!

    Have you even downloaded it? The source is in there!
  4. pea

    Shippy 1984 Ported!

    The blu+ version works great. Awesome job. Is the slight pause when a bullet is fired/enemy is hit (can't tell quite when) normal? I guess it is related to sound?
  5. pea Contest

    Well, run a competition for submissions while offereing nothing in return and you are bound to get lots of hits :D
  6. pea Contest

    If enough want is as the mascot, I'll do that :) I don't want to put anything out there before a decision is made, just in case. A wallpaper can be done no probs.
  7. pea

    GP32 Is It Me Or Is C++ Very Mathimatically Intensive?

    Not really true. As soon as you use a single variable, you are already using algebra. Assigning a value to an arbitrary label is part of algebra, i.e: a = 5; so you can't really get away from it. You are right though, the rest is structures and language constructs like conditional...
  8. pea

    GP32 Is It Me Or Is C++ Very Mathimatically Intensive?

    hehe :P funny thing is, Jengo - what did you THINK it was going to be like? Writing a story?
  9. pea Contest

    Me too. The cross is too much.
  10. pea Contest

  11. pea Contest

  12. pea Contest

    Here is an updated mascot with GP-like D-Pad also (and one without).
  13. pea Contest

    Funny, I was just coming here to post this myself. I agree that the site should perhaps be renamed to GPX, though bugger that is taken :(. Anyway, I have devised a MASCOT obviously based on the linux/open source theme (by being a penguin and all) but hopefully different enough to be of...
  14. pea

    GP32 Memory Allocation

    And I knew there was a reason I always use malloc :)
  15. pea

    GP32 Memory Allocation

    but - myStruct *struct; function addStruct( myStruct *struct ){ myStruct aStruct; // ... // Do stuff to struct // ... struct = &aStruct; } addStruct( struct ); // Does 'struct' now still exist? :)
  16. pea

    GP32 Wstring

    Thanks guys. Not sure if I can use basic_string in this environment, but I'll see. The weird thing is that wchar_t is already defined...
  17. pea

    GP32 Wstring

    Well, I'm attempting a port that absolutely needs unicode support, so no getting around it. All the functions are there and already written, but the compiler does not undertand 'wstring' so I need to typedef it myself (apparently it was removed from newer versions of GCC?). The problem is I...
  18. pea

    GP32 [proposal] Gp2x Development Wiki

    This is true :). No-one posted (well, a few did, which was fun) but there have been many hits so some are at least looking at them (3700+)
  19. pea

    GP32 Sdl And C++

    Hi, Just a tip with libpng - it was crashing on me alot too (not with SDL, but with standalone version) which turned out to be the use of 'setjmp' and 'longjmp' for some freaky 'goto' style error handling (BAD BAD BAD BAD!). So I altered the source for libpng (I have a cut down load-only...
  20. pea

    GP32 Wstring

    ok, I now have the definition of a wstring: A wstring is a string where the elements are wchar_t instead of char. Does this mean that I can conclude: typedef wchar_t* wstring; (so wchar_t* == wstring) ??