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  1. pea

    Flash Games For Wiz

    Thanks Peter R. I'm talking to GPH now :) Orange Pumpkin, the reason we would give our games away for free on the Wiz are that we would still get benefits out of it - our logo is on every game, and there is the opportunity to up-sell. For example, if people like the game they are able to...
  2. pea

    Flash Games For Wiz

    Hi Alex - I'll give ED a PM. GPD (GP Desktop) still occasionally gets the dust blown off it and a few hours spent on it here and there. The main problem is that back then my company consisted of *me* and now it consist of *me and 7 others* and takes up a lot more time! I am still very...
  3. pea

    Flash Games For Wiz

    Hi guys, I run a game development studio in New Zealand (Pixelthis Mobile). We develop casual games for mobile devices using Flash Lite, and also for PC using Flash. We have recently also released our first iPhone game on the app store :) I am thinking of porting our games over to the Wiz...
  4. pea

    GP32 Palette Vs 16bit Mode

    I use DKARM r17 which is probably pretty old now, and I have no idea about newer versions, sorry. But my makefile (part of my SDK based on Mirkos) is: CODE CC = arm-elf-gcc LD = arm-elf-gcc AS = arm-elf-as AR = arm-elf-ar INCLUDES = -I../../include CFLAGS = $(INCLUDES) -O2 -s...
  5. pea


    Yeah, it'll have most of the widgets you are used to (dropdowns, multiselects, radio and checkboxes, scrollbars, panels etc) and some handheld specific ones (that do pop up in PC software from time to time) like dials and 9-grid menus. At first I tried to build this as a small operating system...
  6. pea

    GP32 Palette Vs 16bit Mode

    no worries
  7. pea

    Metal Slug 32x

    whaaat? You're not finishing the game? :blink: :)
  8. pea


    I don't have a gp2x, but I will release the source.
  9. pea


    Hi all, Thought I would show an update of GPDesktop for GP32. It either has a plain background, or can load in a PNG as the bg (as shown in screenshot). The desktop can be 320x240, or 640x480 (you can scroll around the desktop). As you can see, the windows manager is working. The completed...
  10. pea

    GP32 Palette Vs 16bit Mode

    Yes, I dev for the GP32 (amongst others) but this IS the gp32 dev board, and this IS a GP32 question! Yes, the framebuffer is rotated 90deg CCW on the GP32, this is a common fact: (SPIVs page)...
  11. pea

    GP32 Palette Vs 16bit Mode

    Thanks guys, I'm doing this in pure C, not using SDL or other libraries (apart from my own - based losely on Mirko SDK). What slaanesh means about the horizontal scrolling is that the LCD is actually rotated CCW by 90 degrees, so in the memory buffer, the first pixel is bottom left and goes...
  12. pea

    GP32 Palette Vs 16bit Mode

    Say I was fullscreen scrolling. What order of magnitude faster?
  13. pea

    GP32 Palette Vs 16bit Mode

    Is palette graphics code much faster than 16 bit mode?
  14. pea

    Gp32 Revival Coding Compo Launched

    I'd like to say yes, but every time I do I seem to not finish...
  15. pea

    Gp32 Reseting On Clock Change

    No, still having problems. Some games work and some just reset the GP32 :blink:
  16. pea

    Other Gp32-esque Machines

    Anybody know what ever happend to the Mio Mitec EZ Mini?
  17. pea

    Something Looks Strangely Familiar

    Its a pretty generic font - I mean, if you wanted to come up with some sort of spacey/modern wide font, wouldn't your result look quite similar? Pretty sure mine would. I think they came up with the same thing seperately and accidentally.
  18. pea

    Gp32 Reseting On Clock Change

    I think smc is fine. Plugs in to computer ok, and can read/write all files from there. Could there still be a problem even though it works on PC? Looks like it hangs at slower clock speeds and resets at higher ones... Any suggestions on games to try that don't change the clock?
  19. pea

    Gp32 Reseting On Clock Change

    Hi all, Just pulled my GP32 out of the cupboard after several months of no use to show my team at work. Its a BLU+ model. It's been kept dry and hasn't been damaged. Tried it with several different sets of batteries (unfortunately don't have a power adapter). It boots up into the game...
  20. pea

    New Gp2x F-200

    Sounds like a great project you guys have going with the '3X' or whatever it will be called (hopefull not that). Good call having a small team working on it. That openmoko device looks great. I'll be getting one for sure once they finalise hardware. Compared to the handsets we purchase for...