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  1. P

    Money Orders From Usa

    hmm... I spent $40USD to send a piece of paper. wow. Why didn't I read this thread before. anyway, wasn't there a 7 day limit or something? or was that for an email?
  2. P

    (second) Guessing Game

    QUOTE Mean is April 11th I win! I agree with the average user...hmm...
  3. P

    Reordering Deadline

    check mailed, 1-3 business days away. yes the check is in the mail :)
  4. P

    Lid Thickness

    how thick is the lid vs base. on the wiki it specifies 27mm, is that total, etc.
  5. P

    "openpandora" Is The Name Being Used By Another Online Proje

    I already saw that. No big deal, right? the 2 projects are pretty distinguishable.
  6. P

    Console Wars

    you know, If you really think about it, you'd need a really powerful machine to compete with the pandora. The pandora is using a bunch of technology to make it as powerful as a desktop computer(to a reasonable extent), so the pandora isn't unique in power, it's unique in power and size. If you...
  7. P

    Reordering Deadline

    Wow, I'm late. I sent an email unless gmail messed up. now the wait begins...
  8. P

    Is Multiplayer Possible On The Pandora?

    Wifi anyone? with internet you can connect to anyone on the internet, so you don't need a person right next to you to communicate. EDIT: Oh... ok Trevor Bradley agrees with me.
  9. P

    Collecting Wishlists For A 2d Game Development System

    QUOTE The others have already been incorporated if you read through the thread. Sorry, I can't understand most of the technical stuff. I'm just learning to program. :) and for the real point in this post...What, in concept will be the difference between the free one and the $20 one...
  10. P

    Pandora In The Future

    15hr battery life. multiple operating system boot(with GUI) processer 50Ghz with 5gb ram multi touch OLED screen webcam built in(5mp) entire keyboard part a touch screen with emulated keyboard that works. radio wave emitting stylus that can be used like the wiimote in games 1/2 inch thick(lid...
  11. P

    (second) Guessing Game

    4-11-09 April 11th the 12th is my birthday Yay!
  12. P

    Collecting Wishlists For A 2d Game Development System

    hmm... 2d sidescroller... how about using a simple rendering status bar that could be configured using possibilities like time, a map, etc. with customizable graphics... ...and how about a way that more adept users can program their own parts... and at least 3 variable scrolling backgrounds...
  13. P

    Payback For The Pandora ?

    A better question would be which would you rather pay for(this is implying that a better version would cost more).
  14. P

    Archos 5 - Jump On The Pandy ?

    Oh, and don't forget the transflective part... But to make up for that, the pandora has gaming controls, dual sdhc slots, etc. the pandora is a pretty specific product, while this is for a more general audience. What's the price anyway? expensive.
  15. P

    Archos 5 - Jump On The Pandy ?

    really? that's competition? the only thing it beats the pandora with is the internal memory.
  16. P

    What Would You Pay For?

    How about a psp emulator? DS? I'd pay for a good quality one at a decent framerate.
  17. P

    Finally... A Usb Modem That Doesent Stick Out

    they don't work on linux.
  18. P

    Pandora Worst Case Scenario Nightmare

    You turn it on and through a secret start up code you accidentally destroy the planet with a bomb created by an evil genius in a post office with programming skills. :)
  19. P

    May The Power Be With You

    Why not just give away a cheap plastic stylus with the orders and sell the fancy metal ones as on add-on? Then everyone loses wins
  20. P

    Time To Make A Box?

    I say make a custom pandora sticker and put one on the box. Problem solved!