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    Squidgesnes V0.37a Released

    great versionm 0.37 and 0.37a can play most pal games with overclocking at fullspeed, just on things annoys me, the layers are not correct, so sometimes (or more quite often) sprites are in the front which should be in the back. sure not that hard to fix.
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    Maximum Overclock?

    290 Stable (with batteries) 295/300 runs for 20min... im quite lucky this time i think... my gp32 could only get to 150.
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    Q3A - wäre es möglich?

    also ein flüssigen (oder zumindest schnelleren) quake 2 port fände ich um einiges interessanter, ist ja wie gesagt ein singleplayer game und der momemante port (ist ja nun auch schon uralt) läuft bei 290mhz auch nur mit so 12 fps oder so da macht das spielen noch net wirklich spass (sieht aber...
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    Wenn WLAN man ordentlich läuft... (blubber-Ideen-Thread)

    joa und ihn als fernbedienung benutzen. das mit dem videostreamen wär aber wirklich was nettes ;) aber muss man mal kucken was mit wlan und usb1 wie schnell übetragen werden kann, wobei man ja für den screen keine grosse auflösung braucht
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    Psx4gp2x Beta Testers Thread

    @Vimacs: really totally 2D, i dont believe that, buildings are 3D just look at them when you move the character. nothing else thats right but buildings are. or tell me how that was made in 2D
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    Psx4gp2x Beta Testers Thread

    tried it, unscaled @ 290 it runs arround 12FPS (but if you drive fast and the camera zoomes out it slows more down) if it gets a bit faster it could get playable. and yes GTA is 3D, only cars and people and most objects are 2D.
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    Closer To The Final Replacement Of Stick

    im sure it will work out better... still have the cube d-pad lying arround here, argh cant wait to make the gp2x perfect ;)
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    ich kuck so hauptsächlich: CSI Criminal Intent Family Guy (aber nur auf englisch ;) ) Futurama Simpsons American Dad (aber nicht die mtv version)
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    Closer To The Final Replacement Of Stick

    cool! cant wait to install this. any idea on the price?
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    Psx4gp2x Beta Testers Thread

    thanks.... whooo tetris :) it runs fullspeed... will make some videos tomorrow
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    Psx4gp2x Beta Testers Thread

    thanks zodttd... but how can i underclock the psx cpu?
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    GP2X Video Lan Client Port

    naja mplayer ist als client eigentlich genausogut... und der ist schon protiert, hoffe der sourcecode kommt bald frei denn dann können mehr codecs integriert werden. VLC muss nämlich nicht nur portiert sondern auch noch an die hardware decoder des GP2x angepasst werden worüber im moment noch...
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    gp2x und magnete..?

    nimm doch lieber klett verschluss oder sowas, da gibt auch sehr gute und feste und da kann dann auf keinen fall etwas passieren!
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    Port Ober Gpe Or Matchbox To X11?

    nice to hear someone is working on it... do you plan to port GPE too?
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    Kurukuru2x Preview

    have to look at it, the source is on another pc somewhere, but you know its fenix....
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    1st Official Gp2x Game And Application Development Contest

    hmm a from scratch gba emu that would play games in fullspeed on the gp2x would be a "quality" entry and not waste of time. but i think your right in the point that some great homebrew games are awesome too im looking forward to this contest....
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    Kurukuru2x Preview

    arghhh :( i still have the code for my fenix kuru kuru kururin clone i started for the gp32 and thought about working on it again ;)
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    X11 Ported!

    wow..... that looks awesome!!! someone has to port this!!! and should also be quite usefull, atleast the menu since it is fully control able by the stick.
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    Gp2x11 0.1

    what about matchbox and gpe ;)
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    X11 Ported!

    kde wouldnt be any fun, perhaps a very stripped down version would run, but the resolution is also much to low for it. Matchbox ( oder GPE ( would be much more intresting i think, it also features many applications...