Search results

  1. T

    Pandora As A Pda

    Re: alarms, I believe the Pandora was designed to remain on 24/7: that's the reason for the large battery. Assuming you have access to power for charging once a day or so, alarms should be EASY with an always-on device. cron, plugins for music players, etc. I just kinda wish it had a vibrating...
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    Pickle's Pandorapanic! Production

    Wow! What a lot of games! Thanks for the video, Pickle!
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    Pandora Pandora Panic

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    Pandora Pandora Panic

    Hooray! What fabulous news! Thanks to PokeParadox and Pickle for herculean efforts at debugging! I can't wait to see our handiwork on my own Pandora. I wonder if we'll get shipped in the firmware?
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    Pandora Dev Thread Pandora Panic

    Ah, I've tracked you guys down. Other interests, and a failed GP32X bookmark, have caused me to lose track of the project for a few weeks. Not that I've done other than lurk for several months anyhow. :-) Any luck running on Pandora hardware yet? Last I saw, Poke and Pickle were trying to...
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    Trying To Find The Ideal File System

    This sounds like a job for ZFS! Has that made it into the real (i.e., anything besides Open Solaris) world yet?
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    Pandora Pandora Panic

    Woo-woo! This is great! I can't wait to play with the joypad on my box! Thanks for grinding that out: it's going to be amazing to see this on real hardware. Soon, right? :lol: Off to check the Wiki for a recent source tree....
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    Ot - Help Choosing Linux Distro

    I've been running Gnu/Linux for years -- since the days I had to buy a couple boxes of floppies for the download & install on my fancy new 486. Once I found Debian that became my distro of choice. In recent years I've been using Ubuntu at home & at work. It's Debian with a pretty reasonable set...
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    Pandora Pandora Panic

    Hey MarkoeZ, I wanted to remind you of my effort to help with button guides. :-) It may not be what you're talking about or it may not be your cup of tea, but... You'll notice BadVista starts with a prompt as to which button to use. I tried to make the ButtomPrompter class very general purpose...
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    Arduino And The Pandora

    If you do not want to use a USB connector, there are Arduinos with bluetooth. E.g.: CODE
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    Pandora Pandora Panic

    Sweet photo. It'd be fun to build a Donkey Kong clone with real chemical plant photos providing the play surfaces. :D
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    Pandora Pandora Panic

    Yeah, if you want to use each thing once, you don't have a lot of choices. Probably there's a pseudorandom algorthm out there someplace that guarantees no repeats. But I think the easy thing to do is make a list of items sorted randomly in place. Then you can simply iterate through the list (or...
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    Pandora Pandora Panic

    Correct me if I'm wrong: I'm speaking from memory here. However, memory suggests that CODE variables[2].getInt() contains the level in terms of all games run. So if there are 15 games and each one gets run once, the second time my game runs, it's probably going to have a level number greater...
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    Pandora Pandora Panic

    You may recall a small flap over a joke that some thought was being taken too far :P As a result, the "pwned" screen in BadVista got hidden. My addition last night was to add a second pwned screen, as provided in the previous page of this thread. These screens are found by letting the arm...
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    Pandora Pandora Panic

    Speaking of updates, I made a very minor addition to BadVista. ;) Updated source can be found at CODE . --Todd
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    Pandora Pandora Panic

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    Worth Developing A Contacts App For Pandora?

    Hmm... Not be a troll... :ph34r: I'm also a Java developer by day. I'm attracted to the platform, too. Doubly so once you start adding in the other languages that are starting to run on the JVM (e.g., JRuby + Monkeybars is pretty sweet). However, watching discussion on the forums, it sounds...
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    Worth Developing A Contacts App For Pandora?

    This is certainly an important app I would like to have on the Pandora. And synchronizing with my desktop machine would be critical. Cross-platform would be great, too. My thoughts have been leaning toward starting with "TWAB" ( It's a variation on TiddlyWiki and thus runs...
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    Pre Installed Programs

    Excellent! If the hardware can't prevent an arbitrary removal of the SD card, the software ought to cope with the arbitrary removal of the SD card. (This is why Mac's didn't/don't have eject buttons for floppies or optical discs.) "Even windows users know..." except that many of my personal...
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    Beta Pandorapanic! Testbuild For Pandora

    Re: instructions, I submitted a class to try to help with that. I use it in BadVista. The intent is to make it extremely easy for game-writers (or later integrators) to add a flashing button to the beginning of the game, prompting the user with which controls to use. Not so helpful for the...