Search results

  1. Z

    Freedom of the web

    Correct, but what you're describing there is equivalent to shoplifting a legitimate dvd. Copyright infringement would be the parallel to somebody else making a duplicate of her work without her permission.
  2. Z

    Pandora Rebirth Competition (2012-01-09)

    Not to mention duplication & redundancy.
  3. Z

    Turn on my /swap partition?

    Gparted is only telling you that the file system on that partition is the right kind to use as swap. However, according to top, your pandora hasn't been told to actually use that swap partition. Typically you'd add the partition to your fstab, but then typically you'd have the swap partition...
  4. Z

    Wasteland 2

    Don't bother. The Pandora name exists in pretty much every category under the sun; they're bound to name something "Pandora" whether or not you give them any money.
  5. Z

    "iGame" V10 Android Game Console

    You do realise that the abbreviation VAT expands to "value added tax"? VAT does apply to every sale, but ... hold on: A highly simplified example (I'll use a VAT rate of 10% which will seem a little high, or very low, depending where you live.) I buy 200€ worth of STUFF. With tax, I actually...
  6. Z

    My first 'hey is that a...' Pandora moment

    I don't think there ever was a shortage of spare LCD cables. There's a "no available spares" problem for those issues where the PCB needs to be replaced, but if the Purple Tint is the only problem you're having, that's unlikely to be the case for you. Any case, fresh PCBs seem to be about to...
  7. Z

    User assigned buttons (i.e. buttons not mapped to any standard function)

    Well, this thread is in the Pandora 2 Spam section ...
  8. Z

    Discussion about SPM / Repo (Split from other topic)

    The GPL is an unconditional license, not an agreement. GPL doesn't say "you have our license if and as long as you agree to the following terms". It simply says "we grant you our license to do this-and-that, but not some-other-things". Doing this-and-that would be a copyright violation, but...
  9. Z

    Casing colours

    Any dark colour other than black/grey/brown.
  10. Z

    2 Months..... umm, weeks to go (2012-02-06)

    Not sure what information you're basing your train of thought on, but I don't think you've got this one right. One, You don't need to get "back in", unless you've canceled your order without mentioning it in your post. You are in. Patience is a virtue :) Two, there's no way for you to get...
  11. Z

    What was your first computer?

    Casio FP-200 when I was around 10. The second was a C64. Those were "family computers" though; the first machine I owned personally is the Athlon 64 x2 laptop I still use as a luggable (battery's not great any more).
  12. Z

    2 Months..... umm, weeks to go (2012-02-06)

    That's broadly true, but remember there are two separate companies who don't have access to each other's customer data. They each have their own FIFO queue, but no common list. They might be able to merge lists, but also remember they're both in countries with basic privacy legislation: it...
  13. Z

    2 Months..... umm, weeks to go (2012-02-06)

    Laserbeams, the plan is not to have an ongoing slow production, but spaced-out but quite fast bursts: c) Take new orders for the new higher price into a separate queue. Produce X units within days, exploiting the Awe-Inducing Speediness of German Engineering. Deliver just enough of these units...
  14. Z

    what game like diablo

    Is it World of Wesnoth? :D
  15. Z

    A Pandora 2 Concept

    If these expandora modules aren't to be mass-produced, and not available commercially, where will they come from? Seriously, though: Even if you somehow manage to convince everybody that a T-shaped USB device is a good thing for the Pandora Of The Future™, it's still likely to be useless on...
  16. Z

    In welcher Stadt wohnt ihr ?

    Mittelgrosses Kaff namens Basel -- von wegen Stadt :D
  17. Z

    Der "Was hört ihr gerade" -Youtube Thread

    Such mal nach John Playford. Der ist zwar Mitte 17. Jh und damit schon eine gute Generation nach E1, aber er hat vor allem ältere, teils auch viel ältere, Volks- und Tanzmusik gesammelt und bearbeitet.
  18. Z

    A Pandora 2 Concept

    Grid ( used to have, and collect on, the screen-folding-over-the-keyboard patent; but that's old enough to have expired.
  19. Z

    I'm building a computer - Please help!

    One point of concern ... exactly how "aging" is the old machine? I ask because the spec sheet for your new motherboard only lists SATA ports under the "storage" header; so if your old HDD and DVD drives are of the parallel ATA ("IDE") variety, you can't plug them into this board. You'd need...
  20. Z

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Not that I know anything about this game, but I just can't help transforming the name into "Smirky" in my head ...