Search results

  1. B

    Human Condition - Development Thread

    EDIT: Sorry, for those who don't know. Human Condition (previously TINCS) is a multiplayer FPS aimed at the Pandora. TINCS is back, under a new title and with new goals. It's been a long few months, I've been working on a few commerical projects and pocketed myself a good bit of cash. I've...
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    Arm Types Sizes?

    This should probably go on the Pandora Wiki. But where? :P
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    Pandora Cube

    Whoa, did they invent a new kind of cable? Eatherenet cable?!! I've heard of the ethernet cable, but this must be a new one?!
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    Pandora Cube

    Sounds like a decent media center. IF it had ethernet, HDMI and VGA ports. Without these I think it would be pretty pants.
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    Unofficial Blog - Development Feature

    Thanks for the feedback. I agree about making this very platform specific, but I do think that small introductions are in order. I want a programmer of any language (or even a non programmer) to be able to follow the series. So, stuff like say explaining how to open an SDL window and draw will...
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    Unofficial Blog - Development Feature

    Sorry, I made a few too many assumptions there. It would cover compiling applications to the Pandora and using PND to package them. Naturally it will be in C using SDL at first, giving a quick introduction into the language and the library. But I would be mainly covering very simple game...
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    Unofficial Blog - Development Feature

    Hey guys. I've been given the go ahead to write a series of basic Pandora game development features for the Unofficial blog. I'm planning on starting very basic, aiming at an aboslute novice, but at the same time making sure readers are comfortable targeting the Pandora so that they work with...
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    Arms And Armor

    This all sounds very similar to TINCS (now Human Condition). Take a look at the jottit we're using for ideas, It would be cool if we could work within the same universe (I'd be willing to make adjustments to the TINCS backstory). That way, we're not doing the same...
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    Pandora Tincs - Multiplayer Shooter For Pandora (video)

    Happy to see the forums back. My last exam is in about 18 days, from then on I'm going to have a lot of free time. I'm working on a commercial project at the moment, which should hopefully be done within a month. Also, I've lost my backup disc that I used when moving to Windows 7. It contains...
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    World Of Warcraft, Yes, You Heard Me!

    I knew you would show up PoisonedV. So I'll just put it like this. 10 million people, vs you.
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    World Of Warcraft, Yes, You Heard Me!

    Hurr durr WoW sucks because I cant afford it hurr hurr. It wont work because nothing works hurr hurr. Thats the thread so far ^^. You can pretty much run any recent game on the Pandora streamed from a Windows PC. I've done it to my weak linux laptop so I can game in the garden. B). I'm not...
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    The Hunt For The Ultimate Sd Price

    I've never had a WD hard drive fail, ever. I've got an old 10gb one, that's made it through about three or four computers, that have broken themselves. The drive must be 10 - 15 years old now. Don't buy the cheap shit, buy something that's gonna last, if you're like me, you're too lazy to back...
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    Homeworld Port

    Old Geforce 2!? You mean, fucking ancient? Right?? Right?!
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    Question About Overclocking

    Not totally correct Monk. One of the reasons for overclocking, is because it's cheaper to make a million indentical chips, then just put lower clocks on some and sell them at a lower price point than to create chips capable of different speeds. It's a very good buisness model. For that reason...
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    Information Index... Recreated

    Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Fraameeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssss.
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    Gamecube Emulator

    You know, I was thinking about checking out the Dolphin SVN and seeing what it would take to move it over to ES 2.0. It might be a waste of time, but, well that's what they said about N64 on the PSP.
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    Dosbox Power?

    Mithrildor is right. Read the forum description. Discuss all aspects of Pandora programming. Ideas, projects etc.
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    What About The Casing?

    Really? I typed in boxart and on the first page found a thread. CODE
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    Dosbox Power?

    Again, there's a really handy search button on these forums. We've talked about possibilities of dosbox countless times.
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    What About The Casing?

    You know, there's a really cool new thing that's been invented, it's called a search button. You can use it, type in "boxart". Really, you should give it a try.