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  1. zevdawg

    This Thing Just Killed The Pandora For Me

    I think that even if it was an Intel CULV processor, you'd essentially be throwing the stone at the same bird.
  2. zevdawg

    Billy Goat, Billy Goat, Gruff! Gruff! Gruff!

    ur kinda cuuute I do hear LiveJournal's popular nowadays (or Blogger) innit Edited for content (drat multiquote not workin) +1 for subliminal message (can you find Waldo?)
  3. zevdawg

    This Thing Just Killed The Pandora For Me

    Far as x86 goes, even the Atom computer I got runs quite warm!
  4. zevdawg

    Help Needed Replicating Success Of Openpandora For A Netbook/laptop

    The whole "computers run Windows" argument is as old as the sun. No, the problem you face is, now, all computers, whether they run Windows, OSX, or Linux - they all do the same function; wherein back in the day (not too many years ago) Windows was for business/games, Mac was viewed heavily as a...
  5. zevdawg

    Special Port Request: Amsn

    I used aMSN on my G3 (600Mhz, followed recently by a 900Mhz model) iMac - unnecessary resource hog (both for processor usage and memory), and buggy. I did discover, however, that multiple/unlimited nudges can be sent out (wherein any other client that has a "nudge" feature actually has a timeout...
  6. zevdawg

    Let's Guess What Is In The New Boxes?

    By the timestamp, it still is yesterday's tomorrow, which is undoubtedly today. Concurrently, there is plenty of time for random shenanigans! Direct Link
  7. zevdawg

    Sent From My Pandora

    Telus uses a mail client that adds the signature "Sent via Telus Mobility Mail" or something along those lines - for all phones on their network. It's not always the devices fault :P
  8. zevdawg

    Dink Smallwood

    Here, try this paper. It will make you hear colours!
  9. zevdawg

    Just So The Community Is Aware

  10. zevdawg

    Keeping My Pandora Safe

    Is it a good idea to microwave this?
  11. zevdawg

    Putting Pandora (Users) On The Map

    AFAIK It's usually down to the city :o I think those who value their privacy either just list themselves "wherever" in city, otherwise just don't list on the map at all. Edit: There are some people listed in the sky, on the Moon, and Mars as well (Google Earth), go figure :lol: .
  12. zevdawg

    Putting Pandora (Users) On The Map

    That certainly helps, but I noticed one person posted to a city 3 times... Still not really helpful if that's happening (needs management).
  13. zevdawg

    Putting Pandora (Users) On The Map

    Would regional maps be redundant or not (after all, there's other GP32x forums)? More accurate results? At least if you seen someone in Europe when say, the map is North America, one could fix... Possible to moderate maps too? Maybe the main map is too big? I found 3 people in Edmonton, but...
  14. zevdawg

    Putting Pandora (Users) On The Map

    I noticed some forums I participate in have a map online (either by Google, or other mapping methods) of their online members (people plot themselves on the map, create a short description - and there you go, easy way to find someone for say: if you ever wanted to game?). I wonder if someone's...
  15. zevdawg

    Easy Pandy-To-Pandy Link?

    :lol: Two random strangers stumble upon each other randomly in the street. Let's say this is a place like Edmonton (Alberta) where you don't have an open WiFi network every two meters like a large metropolitan city -which are spoiled with access points-... now would you walk two blocks in -30C...
  16. zevdawg

    Easy Pandy-To-Pandy Link?

    It would be cool to play some Gameboy/NES/etc. with another person who happens to own a Pandora... For such a feature to be used, I'd need to find someone with a Pandora!
  17. zevdawg

    Pandora Font

    Best benchmark for fonts:
  18. zevdawg

    Just Wondering If We've Heard From The Factory.....

    People need to chill - they may get the cases on the 22nd, but they also have to assemble em' - so not like you're going to get your Panda the next day... Thank you, come again (when they physically start shipping then I'll pee my pants, until then I'm holding it).
  19. zevdawg

    Pandora Sgx Driver Benchmarks

    Just out of sheer curiosity: What's the framerate of the LCD anyway? I wonder how those numbers would be affected with an OC'd unit (further testing/benchmarks, we'd need) B)