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  1. devhace

    Nubs and a Schedule (2010-11-04)

    So with these 200 nubs we'll be at... ~1,100 units?
  2. devhace

    Keep Track Of The Latest Pandora Development!

    The problem I have is that (at least the last couple times I checked) I couldn't get a full refund due to exchange rate differences. I hope I love it and keep it but I might have to sell it when I get it to get my money back...
  3. devhace

    What app / game do you want to see? :)

    N64 is basically what I'm buying this for, so it'd be nice to see that!!!
  4. devhace

    Texture Packs for Mupen64? Ever?

    Support for different textures even; the Wind Waker texture pack is what I've been using very recently and it rocks!
  5. devhace

    Nubs and a Schedule (2010-11-04)

    I'm glad it's moving along again but jeeeeez this is taking forever
  6. devhace

    Wolfenstein: Et Source Released

    I think it'd be really nice to have something mildly graphically complex. Although I love N64 and stuff sometimes eye candy is nice :) this game should most definitely be ported
  7. devhace

    Reconsider Android? For those who don't want to read: Sony is making an Android based game system / phone. My guess is that games are going to be pushed more heavily on Android once it has that kind of backing, and...
  8. devhace

    Pandora Should Move To Android

    I think the important thing would come from being able to remap tilt controls to an analog stick. That'd be AWESOME. It'd make a lot of games loads better.
  9. devhace

    Pandora Should Move To Android

    I didn't read all this so ignore this if it's already been answered, but how are the emulators on Android? I gotta think that some are much better than what we have currently. Basically I want Android as an option, but not as the regular OS.
  10. devhace

    What Are You Doing To Get Your Pandora?

    What am I doing to get my Pandora? I'm waiting. Very. Patiently.
  11. devhace

    The usual I cancel and you suck compilation

    It's a reasonable (although based on no information) deadline. Don't be a dick.
  12. devhace

    Lumbering Pandora?

    I think they're completely accurate in using lumbering, its been super slow to get out and the devastating wait continues even through the shipping
  13. devhace

    One Month Later: Pandora Impressions As Time Goes On

    I'm so glad that I ordered day one and some people have had theirs for a month.... but aside from that great review! It's awesome to see the software evolve and whatnot
  14. devhace

    Send/receive Sms Via Pandora?

    I think I had a program like this for my RAZR, it was awesome actually, when you got a text it would pop up on my macbook instead of my phone, and I could type the messages on the computer and send them. It was very very convenient, and I hope that this works because it would be awesome to text...
  15. devhace

    I Want One

    Cool. 2nd batch preorders started and we're like 700 in in production on the first. Hurray for priorities!
  16. devhace


    I use it to keep in contact with friends since I went away to college.
  17. devhace

    Explaining The Pandora

    Or TV series later turned into a movie... wait...
  18. devhace

    Explaining The Pandora

    If you like the parts about it being open then just go with that... I mean it's a pretty big deal for anyone to develop anything on this and never, ever have it "rejected" or unable to run if you can code it right
  19. devhace

    Should I Be Worried That I've Had No Reply?

    I ordered the first day and I'm in 850-950 so I wouldnt count on being where you think you are
  20. devhace

    Development Bounties

    Hardware utilization. It'd be absolutely awesome to see the 100 hour music playback with the DSP. Flash would be incredible A true sleep mode is a must for me N64 emulator working 100 % is basically why I bought this, so I'd like to see that doing well too. Craig I really really really like...